北師大版四年級英語下冊Unit 12教案

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)


Unit 12 Review (1)




1 理解、掌握本單元課的主要句型。

2 通過課的講解,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的閱讀理解能力,英語口頭表達能力。

3 教育學(xué)生相互幫助、團結(jié)友愛,在雷雨天注意安全。










Unit 12 Review (1)

Where are you going?

I′ going to visit Bobby Bear.

Look at the black clouds in the sky.

It′s going to rain.

What′s the tie? It′s five o′clock.




Unit 12 Review (1)

Ⅰ War-up

Structure review: going to

Have children open their books to the “going to” aster. Show your copy. Point to the first picture. Ask, “What are they going to do?” Elicit, “They are going to eat dinner.”

Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.

Ⅱ Presentation

1 Set the scene

Ask the children, “Are you going to visit friends on Saturday or Sunday?” If a child answers, “Yes.” Ask, “Who are you going to visit?”

Then explain to the children that they will read and listen to a story about ocky visiting friends.

Ask, “Who are ocky′s friends?” Elicit, “Ken, Ann, Lulu, and Bobby Bear.”

Say, “Let′s see who ocky is going to visit.”

2 Story

Say, “noe will hear what the characters said.”

Play the tape and have the children look at the pictures as they listen.

Play the tape again, pausing at each picture. Have the children repeat the words each tie.

3 Talk about the story

Picture 1/2: What are ocky and Lulu doing?

Is it a sunny day? (Yes, it is.)

Picture 3: Where do you think ocky and Lulu are going?

Picture 4: Is it still a sunny day?

What can you see in the sky?

Picture 5: Why do you think ocky is getting a leaf fro the tree?

Picture 6: What is ocky looking at on his wrist? (A watch.)

Picture 7: Which way is ocky pointing?

Picture 8: Who are ocky and Lulu going to visit?

Ⅲ Practice

1 Flashcard gae

Pin up the flashcards on the board. Prepare two clean fly swatters. Call up two children to the front. Give the each a fly swatter.

Explain to the children that you are going to call out an English word or phrase. The first child to hit the atching flashcard with his or her fly swatter wins a point. The winner is the child who has the higher point.

Continue the gae with several other pairs of children. Then have children play the gae with their sall cards in pairs.

2 Let′s sing

Tell the children that it′s the end of the seester and now they are going to learn a song for fun. Explain that the book only shows part of the song.

Have the children look at the picture. Tell the the song is about a girl called

ary and her lab.

Play the song straight through. Encourage the children huing or clapping their hands with the tape.

Play the first part of the song. Then ask the children to say what they hear in the tape. Explain the eaning of the part.

Repeat the procedure with the other parts.

Ⅳ Set hoework

1 Encourage the children to tell the story to their failies.

2 tell the children to sing the song to their faily ebers.

復(fù)習(xí)句型going to














解釋詞fleece: 綿羊羊毛round about: 附近cry:喊;叫 reply:回答



Unit 12 Review (2)




1 復(fù)習(xí)本學(xué)期的主要語音詞匯、發(fā)音規(guī)律,及主要句型、詞匯。

2 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生形成基本的拼讀策略,具備簡單的英語對話能力。

3 教育學(xué)生有錯就改。










Unit 12 Review (2)

ow ou

oy oi

or oor o air ear are





Unit 12 Review (2)

Ⅰ War-up

Let′s sing.

Ⅱ Presentation

1 Review sounds

Have the children turn to page 8. Show you copy of the page. Point to the row of pictures illustrating /ow/ words. Say the words and have the children repeat after you.

Repeat the procedure for the pictures illustrating /oi/, /or/, /air/, and /oo/ words on respective pages.

2 Listen for sounds

Direct the children′s attention to the top of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first picture. Ask, “What color is the cow?” Elicit, “It′s brown.”

Ask siilar questions for the other pictures to elicit the following words: boys and toys (picture b); four doors (picture c); bears, eating, and pears (picture d); cookies and book (picture e); bird and turtle (picture f). Play the first sentence on the tape and have the children repeat the words before they point to the correct picture in their books.

Repeat the procedure for the other five pictures.

Play the tape again. This tie have the children repeat the words and then nuber the pictures after they hear the sentences on the tape.

3 Choose and write

Tell the that the words in the fish have the sae sounds with the words in the sall circles.

Point to the word oon and read it aloud to the children. Then point to the fish in the center, and read the words one by one to the children. Ask the point to the words that have the sae /oo/ sound as in the word oon. Have the children write the words in the circle.

Repeat with the other words in the fish.

Ⅲ Practice

1 Review the weather

Review the weather flashcards. Hold up the flashcard for snowy, and elicit “It′s snowy.” fro the children. Repeat with the other flashcards.

Tell the children that they are going to play a charade gae. Call a child to the front. The teacher shows the child a flashcard. The child ust past the essage through body language to other children. The other children guess what the flashcard is by using “It′s…”

Continue the gae with all the other weather flashcards.

2 Talk together

Point to the first picture and ask, “Who are they?” Elicit, “Ken, Ann, and ocky.” Then ask, “Is it sunny?” Elicit, “No, it′s going to rain.”

odel the sentences in the first dialog and have the children repeat the sentences after you.

Divide the class into three groups and have the children repeat the dialog in a roleplay. (One group is ocky, the second group is Ken, and the third group is Ann.) Put the children in groups of three and have the practice the dialog.

Point to the second picture and ask, “What tie is it?” Elicit, “It′s four thirty.”

Repeat the procedure used to odel the first dialog. This tie the children should practice the dialog in pairs.

Point to the third picture and ask, “Who are they?” Elicit, “ocky, Ken, and Ann.” Then repeat the procedure used for the other pictures.

3 Review the tie

Draw a clock on the board. Have children draw a clock face on their note books. Tell the the teacher is going to call out different ties, and they need to draw the correct tie on the clocks.

Say, “It′s two thirty.”

Have children draw the tie on their clocks. Repeat the gae with other ties.

Play the tape one sentence at a tie, and have the children point to the corresponding pictures as they listen.

Play the tape again, stopping after each sentence. This tie have the children write the correct sentence nuber in the appropriate box.

Have the children read out the sentences in a class drill.

Ⅳ Set hoework

Review the vocabulary by yourself.















Unit 12 Review (3)




1 復(fù)習(xí)、掌握本冊書的重點句型和詞匯。

2 通過復(fù)習(xí)和練習(xí)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的閱讀理解能力,正確的書寫能力。

3 教育學(xué)生同學(xué)之間要相互幫助,培養(yǎng)小組合作意識。










Unit 12 Review (3)


42 33 86 58… _ _ _ _ _




Unit 12 Review (3)

Ⅰ War-up

Let′s sing.

Ⅱ Presentation

1 Read and atch

Have the look at the pictures and dialogs next to the pictures. Tell the they need to atch the pictures to the dialogs. Point to the dialog next to the first picture. Have children read it. Then ask the what s about, and where the conversation is probably taken place. Have the children point to the atching picture. Now the teacher read the dialog aloud. This tie have the children draw a line between the dialog and its atching picture.

Repeat the steps with the other 3 pictures.

2 Review nubers

Write the nuber thirty on board. Have the children say the word. Repeat for the other nubers.

Write the nubers on the board in rando order. Include twenty or ore additional nubers to extend the gae, for exaple, 42,33,86,58.

Divide the class into several teas and provide each tea with a different colored chalk.

Explain that you will call out a nuber, and the first eber of each tea ust try to find it on the board and circle it. The first child to do this wins a point for his or her tea.

Continue until all the nubers have been circled or until every child in each tea has had a turn. The tea which circles the ost nubers wins the gae.

3 Hangan gae

Choose a core vocabulary word and then draw the appropriate nuber of dashes to indicate the letters on the board. For exaple, socks would have five dashes. Then draw a scaffold next to the dashes.

Divide the class into several teas.

Explain to the children that in this spelling gae they ust call out different letters, fro A through Z. Tell the that every tie they call out a letter that is the word you have chosen, you will write the letter in the correct space. However, if a letter that is not in the word is call out, then one part of a body will be draw under the scaffold. If the picture of the body is copleted before the children have guessed the word, and / or called out all the letters in the word, then it is the end of the gae and nobody wins. There are ten parts of the body in the drawing (head, outh,, two eyes, neck, torso, two ars, and two legs.)

The winning tea is the one that calls out the last letter needed to coplete the word, or that guesses the word first and spells it correctly. xkb1

To ake this gae easier for the children, give the clues. For exaple, for the word socks says, “They are a kind of clothing. You wear the on your feet.

ake sure that each tie the children call out a letter that is not in the word, you write the letter above or next to the scaffold, so that the children will not call out the sae letter again.

4 Structure review: Let′s …/Shall we…?

Hold up the flashcard for park. Say, “Let′s go to the park.” Hold up the flashcard for auseent park, and say, “Shall we go to the auseent park?” Elicit the answer fro the children.

Repeat the procedure for the other flashcards. Call on different children to practice.

5 Look and write Draw the children′s attention to the second picture and tell the that the woan is a weather report woan in TV progra. She is talking about the weather condition no

Tell children to look at the picture and ask the to guess what the woan is probably saying. Elicit, “It′s going to be snowy toorrow/today.”

Have the children write the sentence on the line below the picture.

Repeat the procedure for the third picture.

Repeat the procedure for the first picture. Ask the children to talk about the weather condition in the picture. Tell the that one girl in the picture is

Have the children look at the questionnaire on page 69. Read the first question. Call individual child to answer the question, then have all the children check out their favorite day in the box.

Put children into groups and have the finish the questions on the questionnaire. Have the read the questions together in the group and then check the answer.

2 Group reflection Tell the children to reflect what they have learned in this ter and also ask the to talk about their expectations to the learning in next ter.

Put children into groups and discuss the questions listed in the Reflection Card. When they finished they can report to the class.

Ⅳ Set hoework

Review the structures and vocabulary.












讓學(xué)生圍繞Shall we…?進行對話練習(xí)。





Unit 12 Review (4)




1 考察學(xué)生的聽力、閱讀、發(fā)音和字母及寫作的掌握程度,及時查漏補缺。

2 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生靈活地運用知識,及穩(wěn)定的心理素質(zhì)。

3 教育學(xué)生有錯誤及時糾正。










Unit 12 Review (4)

/ow/ /oi/ /or/ /air/ /oo/




Unit 12 Review (4)

Ⅰ War-up

Let′s sing

Ⅱ Test

1 Listening test

Children will listen to a sentence, and then identify a picture that atches the sentence.

Say, “Point to the three pictures at the top of your page. Now listen to the tape.”

Play the tape for sentence 1. Say, “Now check (√) the picture that atches the sentence.”

Continue for sentences 2 through 6.

2 Reading test

Children will read the sentence, look at the picture, and identify the correct word or words in the box to coplete the sentence.

Have the children open to the page of reading test.

Point to the sentence 1. Say, “Look at the picture and then read the sentence next to it.”

Point to the two boxes at the end of the sentence. Say, “Only one answer is correct.”

Have the children check (√) the answer that they think is correct.

Repeat the procedure for the other five sentences.

3 Sounds and letters test

Children will listen to groups of three words. One of words does not belong because it has a different sound.

Have the open to the page of sounds and letters test.

Say, “Listen to the words on the tape.” Play the tape for the first three words.

Say, “Point to the word that doesn′t belong.”

Have children cross the box next to the word.

Repeat the procedure for the other six rows.

4 Writing test

Children will look at the pictures and write the issing sentence under the picture.

Have children open to the writing test page.

Point to the first picture. Say, “Look at the picture.”

Ask children “What′s the weather like in the picture?” Elicit “It′s cloudy.”

Have the children write out the sentence on the space under picture 1.

Repeat the procedure for pictures 2 through 4.

Ⅲ Set hoework

Review the vocabulary.









本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/40924.html

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