
編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 網絡

Lesson 11
I live on a farm
What do you have?
I have a cow,a dog, a goat,a duck and a hen.
My Grandma has a hen.
goat duck hen horse farmer .
What do you have?
I have a cow,a dog, a goat,a duck and a hen.
My Grandma has a hen.
教學準備1.準備一幅農場的掛圖,畫面上要有a cow,a dog, a goat,a duck and a hen 。
2.教師準備goat duck hen horse farmer 的圖片和單詞卡片。
3. 準備幾幅圖片:1,男孩騎著牛 2,奶奶身旁有只雞 3,貓嘴里叼著魚 4,叔叔騎著馬 5,女孩抱著鴨 6,男孩牽著羊。

教 學 過 程1)單詞鞏固活動:
游戲:What’s missing?
老師先讓學生看著圖片,把今天學習的單詞goat duck hen horse farmer一個一個拼讀一遍 ,再把圖卡依次貼到黑板上,讓學生看著圖卡再說單詞,說完一遍后,老師把其中之一迅速去掉,問學生:What’s missing?看哪個學生能很快記起是哪個單詞缺了,并說出這個單詞: … is missing.老師再把其中之一去掉,問:What are missing?學生要記起是哪兩個單詞缺了,說:… and … are missing. 這樣一直到把所有的卡片全部去掉,老師問:What are missing?學生要把所學的單詞全部記住了,那就太棒了,別忘了鼓勵他們吆
這一課的重點句型是I have a cow,a dog, a goat,a duck and a hen.
這里 have 是“有”的意思。它表示某人有某物,也就是說某物屬于某人所有。而There be句型用來表示某處有某物,這東西并不屬于某個人。當我們要說某人有某物時,我們用這個動詞have 。主語是單數第三人稱時,改用其單三形式has.練習have 和has 的用法,我們做下列活動:
(圖片:1.男孩騎著牛 2.奶奶身旁有只雞 3.貓嘴里叼著魚 4.叔叔騎著馬 5.女孩抱著鴨 6.男孩牽著羊)
I have a co
The boy has a co He has a co
老師先同學生一起按種類復習過的單詞,如:食物,動物,水果,學具,衣物等。然后每組同學選一個種類的物品;顒娱_始,每組的第一個同學只說自己有某物, 從第二個同學開始不但要說出自己有某物 ,還要說自己前面一個人有某物,而且所說的物品只能是同一種類但不能重復 。
SA: I have a pen.
SB: I have a pencil. A has a pen.
SC: I have a ruler. B has a pencil.
SD:… .
3.播放Listen and read部分錄音.
4. 播放Listen,look and match部分錄音.
5.做Let’s practice(I)。
In a small village lives an old womam,Mrs Green.She is very kind.She has a lovely dog,four hens,six ducks and eight goats. There are green grass and beautiful flowers. Mrs Green is there every day.She lives in a nice place.
6.Let’s practice(II)
Pair work.看圖上你有什么。兩人一組一問一答。

This is our new flat.
My bedroom is small but nice.
The living room is in the middle.It is big and bright.
The bedrooms are clean and tidy.
bedroom living room kitchen bathroom clean and tidy
My bedroom is small but nice.
The living room is in the middle.It is big and bright.
The bedrooms are clean and tidy.
教學準備1.教師準備bedroom living room kitchen bathroom clean and tidy
2. 師生分別準備 bedroom living room kitchen bathroom 的圖片。
3. 教師準備第 67頁掛圖。

教 學 過 程1. 師生對話引出話題:
T:(to A)Whhere do you live?
A: I live in/on… .
T:(To B)Do you live in a village?
T: (To all the students) Where do I live?
展示第 67頁掛圖,喜悅地說。I live in a new flat. It is very nice. Welcome to my new flat.
Ss: Thank you.
2. 新課展示
老師展示準備的67頁主圖。表現的很熱情的樣子,對學生們說介紹自己的new flat ,然后進行課講解。
1)Welcome to my new flat.It is on the second floor.
理解會讀會認短語:on the second floor.
second 序數詞,第二。同時可以提及 第一 first,第三 third ,第四fourth讓學生接觸,學生能說會用更好。
floor樓層。 on the second floor在二樓。
如:Our classroom is on the second floor.
The teachers’ office is on the second floor. 老師的辦公室在二樓。
2)How many bedrooms are there in your flat?
bedroom 是一個合成詞,提示學生們觀察它是由哪兩個詞構成的。
What do we do in the bedroom?
Have a sleep. We have a sleep in the bedroom.
My bedroom is small. It is on the left .My parents’ bedroom is big.
3)The big one is for my parents.
示圖卡,詞卡,拼讀拼寫單詞:pa-rent, parent, 指father or mother.
parents ,指 both father and mother
4)Where is the living room?
出示圖卡,詞卡,拼讀拼寫單詞:living room
T:What is in the living room?
Ss:The TV is in the living room.
T:What do we do in the living room?
Ss:Watch TV. We watch TV in the living room.
5)It’s in the middle.It is big and bright. 它在中間。它又大又亮。
Our classroom is big and bright.
6)There is a kitch and bathroom,too.
bathroom 也是合成詞。由bath(洗澡)和 room(房間)構成。
What do we do in the boathroom?
We wash in the bathroom.
We take a bath in the bathroom.
示圖卡,詞卡,拼讀拼寫單詞: ki-tchen kitchen
kitchen 是個雙音節(jié)詞,教學生按音節(jié)記單詞。
What do we do in the kitchen?
Cook.We cook in the kitchen.
Where is Mum?
She is in the kitchen. She is cooking the meal in the kitchen .
7) They are clean and tidy.
示詞卡,拼讀拼寫單詞: clean tidy
Our classroom is clean and tidy.
Is your bedroom clean and tidy?Yes.It is small.But it is clean and tidy.
最后老師感嘆地,喜悅地說: What a nice flat! I love it!

bedroom living room kitchen bathroom clean and tidy


This is our new flat.
My bedroom is small but nice.
The living room is in the middle.It is big and bright.
The bedrooms are clean and tidy.
My bedroom is small but nice.
The living room is in the middle.It is big and bright.
The bedrooms are clean and tidy.
教學準備1.教師準備bedroom living room kitchen bathroom clean and tidy
2. 師生分別準備 bedroom living room kitchen bathroom 的圖片。
3. 教師準備第 67頁掛圖。
程1)說說做做:老師 和學生一起邊說邊做,前一句打著節(jié)奏,后一句根據意思自己做動作:
Go to the living room,go to the living room, watch TV,watch TV.
Go to the kitchen,go to the kitchen,cook a meal,cook a meal.
Go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom, have a bath,have a bath.
Go to the bedroom,go to the bedroom, have a sleep,have a sleep.
2)Do and talk:
Draw a picture of your flat/house.Then talk in pairs.
-How many bedrooms are there in it?
-Where is your bedroom?
-Is it big ?
-Is there a bathroom?
-What do you do in the bathroom?
-Is the living room big and bright?
-What do you do in the living room?
-Where is the kitchen?
-Who cooks in your family?
-Can you cook a meal?
3)Talk about your classroom,using nice, beautiful,colorful,small/big, bright, clean and tidy讓學生用學過的這些詞描述一下自己的教室,能說的越多越好。
4.播放Listen and read部分錄音.
5. 播放Listen,look and match部分錄音.
6.做Let’s practice(I)。
This is my bedroom.It’s small but nice.
Is this your bedroom?
Yes,It’s small but nice.
This is my bathroom.It’s nice and clean.
Is this your bathroom?
Yes,It’s nice and clean.
This is my kitchen.It’s clean and tidy.
Is this your kitchen?
Yes,It’s clean and tidy.
7.Let’s practice(II)
Pair work.看圖上的位置。兩人一組一問一答。
Where is your bedroom?
It’s in the middle.
Where is your parents’ bedroom?
It’s on the left.
Where is your living room?
It’s in the middle.
Where is your kitchen?
It’s on the right.
Where is your bathroom?
It’s on the left.

-How many bedrooms are there in it?
-Where is your bedroom?
-Is it big ?
-Is there a bathroom?
-What do you do in the bathroom?
-Is the living room big and bright?
-What do you do in the living room?
-Where is the kitchen?
-Who cooks in your family?
-Can you cook a meal?


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/79828.html
