
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網

Some people would call it "cramming" if you study the night before a test. I do not. If you study the night before a test, you still have hours, not minutes to prepare. Hours! The things you can learn (if short-term) in hours! So, do not feel completely frightened if you've procrastinated until the night before a test to study, although your time management skills do leave something to be desired.一些人把考試前夜復習稱為“填鴨式用功”。如果你是在考試前一晚備考,那么你仍然有幾個小時,而不是幾分鐘的的時間來準備。幾個小時啊!你可以學習(短期內)幾個小時!所以,如果你耽擱到考試前夜才復習,也不要過于害怕,你的時間管理能力會幫助你得到想要的。Although you aren't going to be committing much to long-term memory, you can still learn something to pass the test, even if you're just studying the night before.雖然你不能進行長時間內的記憶,但你仍可以為通過考試學點什么,即使是在考試的前夜。
How to Study the Night Before a Test考試前夜怎樣學習
1.Eat Some Brain Food.吃一些健腦食物And brain food is definitely not Cocoa Puffs. Scramble up some eggs for dinner, drink some green tea with acai, and follow it all with a few bites of dark chocolate.Boost your brain's workability by giving it what it needs to function properly. Plus, by eating something before you begin studying, you'll be less tempted to get hungry (and distracted) and quit studying early.健腦食物當然不是可可泡芙之類的食物。晚餐可以吃一些雞蛋,喝綠茶,配上巴西莓,然后再吃點黑巧克力。通過給予大腦充分運作所需要的能量,可以提高其使用性。而且,學習之前吃點東西,你就不容易餓(以及分心),和早早就結束學習。
2.Prepare For Your Physical Needs.解決好生理需求Go to the bathroom. Get a beverage. Dress comfortably, but not too cozily (you don't want to end up falling asleep.) Get all the ants out of your pantsby running down the street and back. I'm serious. Prepare your body as much as you can for the sit-down study session ahead of you, so you have no excuses to get up and go somewhere.上個洗手間。喝杯飲料。衣服選擇舒適的,但不要過于舒適(你是不會想以睡著收尾的)。去街上來回跑跑,把褲子上的螞蟻都拍掉。我是認真的。你要是自己的身體做好準備,從而能夠坐下來學習,那樣你就沒有起身到處亂跑的借口了。
3.Organize Your Study Materials.組織好學習材料Get all the materials that relate to the test you're taking ? notes, handouts, quizzes, book, projects ? and lay them neatly out on your desk, floor, or bed, so you can see what you have to work with.準備好所有與考試相關的資料——筆記、講義、練習冊、書籍、課題,將它們整齊地放在書桌、地板或床上,你就可以看到要完成的所有內容了。
4.Set a timer for 45 minutes.設置好45分鐘的時間You're going to study in 45-minute increments followed by 5-minute breaks. If you try to study indefinitely for hours and hours, your brain will overload and you'll have to work to regain your focus on studying. It's better to have smaller goals with mini-rewards (the breaks) so you can last as long as is necessary to learn the material.你要準備學習45分鐘,然后休息5分鐘。如果你漫無目的地一學就是幾個小時,你的大腦會負荷過多,就得重新集中精力學習了。設置一些小目標,并配合一些小小的獎勵(休息),你就可以在必要的時間里進行學習。So, set a timer for 45 minutes and get going.所以,設置好45分鐘的時間,然后開始吧。
5.Follow your study guide.遵循學習指南的要求If your teacher gave you study guide, then start learning as much as possible on it. Refer to your notes, handouts, quizzes, book, etc. when you're unfamiliar with an item on the guide. Memorize everything on it, using mnemonic devices like acronyms or a song.如果你的老師給了你學習指南,就可以開始盡可能多學習了,還有你的筆記、講義、練習冊、書籍等等。如果你對指南的內容不熟悉,就把它的內容全部記下來,可以使用首字母或歌曲式的記憶技巧。
If you didn't get a study guide...如果你沒有考試指南...then refer to your notes, handouts, quizzes, and book to look for things that may be on the test. Teachers create exams from material already presented to you in class, so your lecture notes are invaluable. Memorize the notes with the mnemonic devices. Didn't take too many notes? Look at the last two pages of each chapter covered on the test, and ask yourself the review questions. Look at the first two pages of each chapter, and learn the basic information about each subtitle. Memorize quiz questions, and items handed to you in class.那就參考筆記、講義和書籍,來找找考試可能會出現的內容。老師們會根據平時在課堂上向你講授的內容來出題。用一些記憶技巧來熟記筆記。如果筆記記得不多怎么辦?看看每個考試章節(jié)的最后兩頁,然后用一些復習題來考考自己。看看每一張的前面兩頁,學一學有關每個標題的基本信息。記憶課堂上學到的的測驗題目和考試項目。
How to study for any test怎樣備考
1.Ask a Study Partner To Quiz You.讓你的學習搭檔來考考你Go get your mom/best friend/brother/anyone and have him or her quiz you on the material. Have them fire questions at you and answer quickly, making a list of anything you get stuck on or can't remember. Once you've been quizzed, take your list and study that material over until you've got it.找到你的媽媽/最好的朋友/兄弟/任何人,讓他或她來考考你材料上的內容。問你幾個問題,并迅速答出,將你卡住或記不住的地方列出一個清單。一旦參加考試,就把清單拿出來學習,知道掌握為止。
2.Make a Quick Review Sheet.制作一個快速復習表Write down all your mnemonic devices, important dates, and quick facts on one sheet of paper, so you can refer to it tomorrow morning before the big test.將你所有的記憶技巧、重要日期和簡要知識寫在一張紙上,你就可以在第二天早上臨考前看看。
3.Go To Sleep!去睡覺!Nothing will make you do worse on a test than pulling an all-nighter. Trust me on this. You may be tempted to stay up all night and cram in as much as is possible, but by all means, get some sleep the night before. When it comes to testing time, you won't be able to recall all the info you learned because your brain will be functioning in survival mode.除了熬夜,沒有什么能讓你弄砸一門考試了。相信我說的話吧。你可能會被誘惑著整晚熬夜,狼吞虎咽。但考試前夜一定要休息一下。否則在考試的時候,你就會記不起來學習的內容,因為你的大腦以及不能思考了。
4.The Day of the Test, Sneak Peeks at Your Review Sheet.考試當天,快速瀏覽一下復習表When you're going to your locker, when you're waiting for the teacher to start talking, on your way to lunch, etc, glance and review that sheet you put together of the most important information for the test. But, PUT THE REVIEW SHEET AWAY before the test. You don't want to risk getting a zero for cheating after all the time you put into studying!當你去鎖柜,等老師開講,或者去吃飯的路上等等,你都可以看一看考試重要信息匯總表。但是,復習表一定要在考試前看。在投入了所有的時間學習之后,你應該不會情愿因為作弊被判處零分吧。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/816799.html
