Part 1課文再現(xiàn):在空格處填入正確的詞使文章意思完整正確。
A tornado is a rotating __1___of air from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most __2__have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.
Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them _3___in the next street or even in the next town. They can take the fur__4___the back of a cat and the __5___off a chicken. They destroy houses, but leave the __6___ inside exactly where it was.
On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1500_7___-. The worst tornado of all time __8____ in 1925, __9____ three US states. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2700 had been __10____.
Hurricanes are strong __11____storms. They cause huge waves, ___12____ rain and floods and usually __13____the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine.
The worst hurrican ___14____ of all time occurred in 1900. The disaster killed 6000 people in a _15___of 3700 and destroyed 3600 buildings.
Charles Coghlan, an Irish actor, __16____to New York and become famous there. Then he moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurrican__17_____. The cemetery where he was ___18 __was destroyed by the hurrican and his coffin ended up in the sea. Eight years later, the coffin was found by fishermen in the east of Canada. The Gulf Stream had __19___it 3000 kilometers up the eastern US coast to Canada. Coghlan traveled ___20 __to Canada after he had been buried in Texas!
Part2 單元練習
(1)F_____ act as a protective covering for birds, protecting them from cold, rain, sun and injury.
(2)Lots of changes have o______ in our town in the past five years.
(3)The Big Fire was one of the worst d______ that had ever hit London.
(4)The old lady had a v_____ pain in her stomach as a result of eating bad eggs.
(5)Haven’t you realized the d_____ those chemicals are doing to our environment?
(6)In summer, there is a great amount of rainfall in the ______ (熱帶的) areas.
(7)I’m sorry to say that I am unable to attend your party tomorrow because of a ______(先前的) appointment.
(8)The farmer has ______(體驗,經歷) what hardships mean.
(9)The storm_____(毀壞) the crops and the farmers’hopes.
(10)Political and economic crisis are ______(沖擊) the capitalist system everywhere.
2. 語法選擇:從四個選項中選出最佳答案填入空格中。
(1)----____ are you going to be after graduation?
----I want to go to _____ sea.
A Who, / B How, the C What, / D What, the
(2)The man missed a step and _______, ______the new suitcases rolling down the stairs.
A falls, sends B fell, seat C fell, sending D fell, to send
(3)The idea suddenly _____ me is that we should go camping.
A striking B struck C appeared D appearing
(4)-----When did you _____ Japanese?
-------During my trip to Tokyo.
A pick up B take up C pick out D pick off
(5)The old lady said that great changes ______ in the city and a lot of new schools_____.
A had taken place, had set up B were taken place, were set up
C had taken place, had been set up D had been taken place, had been set up
(6) ----Has your brother finished his homework today ?
----I have no idea . He _______ it this morning .
A had done B was doing C did D has done
(7) When the children had finished playing , they were made to _____all the toys ____they had taken out .
A put off , which B put up , that C put away , (that) D put out , /
(8) The party ______ in the music of Going Home .
A ended up with B ended up C ended over D was ended up
(9)-----Sorry to have interrupted you . Please go on .
-----Where was I ?
-----You ______ you disliked the leading character in the film .
A is , had said B am , were saying C was , said D was , were saying
(10) “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob , ______/and ______ out of the window .
A looking , looked B to look , looked C looked , looking D having looked , looking
(11) It ______to the young man that it was just Mr. David _______make him less dependent on others
A happened , who B took place , that C occurred , who D came about , who
(12) The war and the suffering _____it caused _____Albert Einstein very much .
A / , affected B that , to affect C which , effect D that , affecting
(13)-----Does this mean the danger is over ?
-----What did the boy say ?
-----He asked _____the danger _____over .
A whether , had been B when , would be C that , is D if , was
(14) The Olympic Games , _____in 776BC. , didn’t include women players until 1912 .
A first played B first playing C to be first played D to be first playing
(15) Mr. White hasn’t got any time to play golf these days , because he is _____in the research of bird language .
A spared B buried C devoted D concentrated
3 . 根據(jù)提示補充完整下列句子。
(1) ____________( 平均起來 ), 20 percent of senior students are near-sighted 。
(2) I’ll finish ____ ____ my house ____ ____ ____ I retire . ( 我將在退休前付清房款 )。
(3) We’ve ______ 50000 yuan ____ ____ ( 總共籌集資金五萬元 ) for the Hope Project 。
(4) They’re ____ 50 percent ____ all goods in that shop . ( 所有商品打五折 )。
(5) __________( 謝天謝地 ), we have been safe to ____ ____ the ________ ( 到達目的地 )。
Part 3 拓展閱讀訓練 :讀下面的文章并完成后面的練習題
NARRATOR Now ladies and gentlemen ,you are about to hear the most incredible tale.It is the summerof 1903,and Henry Adams, an American businessman,has had some very bad luck.He is lost in London.He has no money and does not know what he should do.Walking down the street,he hears someone calling him.
RODERICK Young man,would you step inside a moment,please?
HENRY Who?Me,sir?
OLIVER Through the front door on your left.
HENRY (a servant opens the door for him)Thanks.
SERVANT Good morning,sir,would you please come in?Permit me to lead the way,sir.
O Thank you,James.That will be all.
R How do you do,Mister---er---?
H Adams,Henry Adams.
O Come and sit down,Mr Adams.
H Thank you.
R You are an American?
H That’s right,from San Francisco.
R How well do you know London?
H Not at all.It’s my first trip here.
R I wonder,Mr Adams,if you’d mindus asking a few questions.
H Go right ahead.
R May we ask what you are doing in this country and what your plans are?
H Well,I can’t sayI have any plans .Im hoping to find work..As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.
O How is that possible?
H Well,you see, back home I had my own boat.About a month ago I was sailing out of the bay----(his eyes stare at what is left of the brother’sdinner on the table)
R Well,go on.
H Oh,yes.Well, towards nightfallI found myself carried out to sea bya strong wind.I didn’t know whether I could surive until morning.The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.
O And it was the ship that brought you to England.
H Iearned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.(the brothers smile at each other)
R Well,you mustn’t worry about that. t’s an advantage
H I’m afraid I don’t quite follow you, sir.
R Tell us, Mr. Adams, what sort of work did you do in American?
H I work for a mining company. Could you offer me some kind of work here?
R Patience, Mr. Adams. If you don’t mind, may I ask you how much money you have?
H Well, to be honest, I have none.
O (happily) What luck! Brother ,what luck! (claps his hands together)
H Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me. If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. (Henry stands up to leave) Now, if you will excuse me, I think I’ll be on my way.
R Please don’t go, Mr. Adams. You mustn’t think we don’t care about you. Oliver, give him the letter.
O Yes ,the letter. (gets it from a desk and gives it to Henry like a gift) The letter.
H (taking it careful) For me?
R For you. (Henry starts to open it) Oh, no, you mustn’t open it. Not yet. You can’t open it until two o’clock.
H Oh, this is silly.
R Not silly. There’s money in it.(calls to the servant) James?
H Oh, I don’t want your charity. I just want an honest job.
R We know you are hard-working. That’s why we’ve given you the letter. James, show Mr. Adams out.
O Good luck, Mr. Adams.
H Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about?
R You’ll soon know. In exactly an hour and a half.
S This way, Sir.
R Mr. Adams,not until 2 o’clock. Promise?
H Promise. Good-bye.
1 For each statement, write “F” if it is a fact. Write “O” if it is an opinion.
(1)_______Henry wants to find a job in London.
(2)_______Henry is given an envelope by the two brothers.
(3)_______Herry is an unlucky man.
(4)_______Henry is not a pround man.
(5)_______Henry is foolish to go and meet the two brothers.
2 Find an adjective in the list to complete each sentence. Each word is used only once
(1) Both brothers probably felt that Henry was a ______ young man.
(2) Henry was not _____ about what wound happen to him when he left the brothers.
(3) Henry must have felt_______ when he saw how far he had traveled out to sea.
(4) Henry was not_____ to accept money from the brothers.
(5) Henry felt______ when he saw the food on the brothers’s table.
Learning about language
3 Complete this passage with some of new words and expressions the play.
One day my uncle Oliver told me a ______ about a man who made a _____ that he would be able to walk to the foot of a mountain by ____ . The mountain was over 100kilometres away from his home so people were happy to take the be t because they thought it was ______ that anybody could walk so far in one day . But they did not realize that the man had a plan ready.He got his_____to drive a large truck which would meet him on the road as if______.The truck would give the man a ride and he would continue to pretend towalk as the truck moved along.In this way the man made his_____at the foot of the mountain before nightfall and he won his bet.He said he had walked all the way though not always on the road!
4.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
Stare/permit/jealous/silly/willingness/account/passage/to be honest/go ahead/account for/patience/probably/make a bet
(1)I found the afternoon’s entertainment rather________and would have preferred to do something more interesting.
(2)I can’t_____this party to________if you refuse to apologize.
(3)Don’t_______so hard at the man over there or he might lose his________and come over to ask you why.
(4)I____________that I could do fifty jumps without stopping.But I lost it when I fell over.
(5)Is your________to your hometown paid for or will they send you an_________for you to pay later?
(6)How could you_______your behaviour on that night?
(7)_______,I don’t like him very much because he is always________of the other’s success.
(8)Both of them showed a_________to finish the fighting,so the problems will_______be solved.
Useful structures
5.Make sentences with the noun clauses as the object.Use one of the following words to complete the sentences.
How who that why whether
(1)I don’t know_____will help Henry to win the bet.
(2)I can’t tell you________I like this play or not.
(3)I can’t describe________I would feel if someone gave me a million yuan.
(4)I know________Henry must be worried about what will happen to him.
(5)The brothers won’t say______they decidedto make the bet.
Answers to the exercises
Part1: column/violent/down/off/feathers/furniture/injuries/occurred/affecting/injured/tropical/heavy/affect/disaster/population/moved/struck/buried/carried/back
3.On average / paying for , by the time / raised,in all / taking,off / Thankfully,arrive at,destination
2. clever / confident / foolish / happy / jealous
3. tale / promise / walking / incredible / servant / by accident / way
4. silly / permit , go ahead / stare , patience / make a bet / passage , account / permit / To be honest , jealous / willingness , probably
5. who / whether / how / that / why
Module 3 The Violence of Nature
Period 5 Cultural corner 學案
Activity 1: Fast reading:go through the text quickly and answer the following questions on page 29.
Activity 2: careful reading
Read para1—para2 carefully and finish the following exercises.
1. True or False
?Less than 400 earthquakes happen worldwide every day.( )
?China is located in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world.( )
?The earthquake in Shaanxi Province affected seven provinces in China.( )
?The earthquake covered an area of 800 square kilometers.( )
?There were 830,000 people who lost their homes.( )
2. Fill in the blanks
China ____ _________ _____one of the most active earthquake regions in the world. One of the most serious _______ in Hua County in Shaanxi Province in 1556. The earthquake _______ eight provinces in Central China. It _______ an area of 800 square kilometers. _______, 830,000 people ______________________.
Read para3—para5 carefully and answer the following questions.
?Which earthquake was the worst in the US?
?How long did it last?
?How many buildings were destroyed by the fire which was caused by earthquake?
?Was the damage big? How many people died in the earthquake?
?What caused the earthquake?
Fill in the blanks
The ________ earthquake in the US occurred in 1906. It ______for a minute and caused fires which destroyed ___ ______ ___25,000 buildings. The earthquake and fires caused about 3,000_______.
The earthquake was caused by a _________ on the San Andreas Fault. One hundred years _____, movements on the San Andreas Fault ________ to cause problems for the whole of California.
Activity 3: Useful Phrases.
Find the useful words and phrases used to describe earthquakes.
Hua CountyCalifornia
terrible earthquakes
occur (vi)
affect (v) → effect(n)
cover an area of
be killed
in all
lose one’s life
……the worst earthquake
the fires
burn (v)
destroy (v) damage( v)
be killed
be made homeless
Activity 4: Sentences.
1.In some communities, 60% of the population were killed.
2.The California Earthquake of the 18th of April 1906 is the worst earthquake that has ever happened in the United States.
3.Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage.
4.The fires burned for three days, destroying a total of 25,000 buildings. V-ing分詞作結果狀語。
Activity 5: discussion. Have you ever been told what to do if there was an earthquake? What would you do if there was an earthquake in your hometown?
1. Stay inside. Get underneath a desk or table, or stand in a corner.
2 . Try to get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls and etc.
3. Try to stay away from kitchens and garages, where there are often many things that might fall.
Activity 6: Let’s review something about earthquakes.
?Verbs related to earthquake:______________________________
?Adjectives and nouns related to earthquake:_________________
?Damages caused by earthquake:__________________________
?People’s response to earthquake:__________________________
Activity 7: Translate the following sentences.
1.2008年5月12日的一場罕見的大地震襲擊了汶川地區(qū). (hit \strike)
2.地震引發(fā)了大雨,損壞了大量房屋。 (destroying作結果狀語)
3.結果造成了8萬多人喪命,更多的人無家可歸。 ( kill; be made homeless )
4.在黨和人民的幫助下,人們迅速采取了有效的措施同自然災害作斗爭。 (take effective measures; fight)
5.迄今為止,大量的災民已返回家鄉(xiāng),一個新的現(xiàn)代化的縣城正在建設之中。(be under construction )
Activity 8: Writing. Make a short passage using the sentences above.
Activity 9: homework.
1.70% of the earth‘s surface ________ covered by water. ( be )
2.About one third of the population in Beijing and Shanghai _________ netizens, but in poorer areas, only three or four percent ________ online. ( 2008 濟南 模擬);is B.are;are C.are;is;are
3.As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area_________. ( 陜西 高考)
A. need repairing B. needs to repair
C. needs repairing D. need to repair
4. John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it ______ seriously. (上海 春招)
A.damaged B.was being damaged
C. had damaged D. had been damaged
5. I ______ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _______.
A. went ; was occurring B.went; occurred
C.was going; occurred D.was going; had occurred
6. 現(xiàn)在污染是一個全球性的問題。
Pollution is ______ ___________ _____________ now.
Smoking can _________ your health.
8.cover an area of …… 9. 我的收音機能夠收到VOA.
Book Ⅲ Module 3 The violence of Nature
(Period 4 Grammar)
Ⅰ. 過去完成時:形式:“助動詞 had+過去分詞”構成。
1. 表示在過去某一時間或動作之前已經完成了的動作。
它表示這個動作發(fā)生的時間是“過去的過去”;這一過去時間可用 by, at, before 等構成的短語或 when, after, until 等引導的從句或通過上下文來表示,如:
By the time he was twelve, Edison __________(begin) to make a living by himself.
2. 表示由過去某一時間開始,延續(xù)到過去另一時間的動作。
這個動作可能還要延續(xù)下去。常和for 或 since 引導的表示一段時間的短語或從句連用。
He ____ _____ (live) in New York for ten years before he moved to Boston.
If he _________________(see) you yesterday, he ______________(ask) you about it.
4.用在間接引語或賓語從句中。放在像said, told, thought, wondered 等過去時動詞的后面,表示在這些動作之前已經發(fā)生的行為。
My friend told me that he___________(pass) the exam.
5.用在It was the first/second time that…句型中。此句型中如主句用一般過去時,that引導的定語從句中用過去完成時。
It was the first time(that)we ________(speak)together.
Choose the best answers:
(1).He _________ more than 5000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. (2005北京)
A. has learned B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned
(2).---Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.
---I thought they_____________ without me.
A. went B. are going C. have gone D. had gone
3).He kept looking at her wondering whether he ____________her somewhere.
A. saw B. has seen C. sees D. had seen
(1) 若主句動詞為過去時的時候,間接引語動詞的時態(tài)變化如下:
“I’m preparing my lessons,” she said. →She said (that)____ _____preparing ____ lessons.
“I don’t need your help today,” Tom said. →Tom said (that)___ ____need ____ help.
He said to me, “I read it yesterday.”→He told me that he _______ it__________.
The geography teacher said to us, “The earth goes around the sun.”
The geography ______ us (that) the earth ________around the sun.
The teacher said, “Columbus discovered America in 1492.” →
The teacher said that Columbus America in 1492.
She says, “He was very kind.” →She says (that) he very kind.
2. 人稱的變化
(1) 直接引語變?yōu)殚g接引語,人稱代詞要作相應的變動,使其與動詞的人稱一致。
(2) 指示代詞 this these 相應的改為 that those.
(3) 在句子的意義不會引起誤解的情況下,狀語有時也可不變。
“I’ll come here again tomorrow,” she said. 她說:“我明天還要到這兒來!
→She said (that) she’d go there again the next day/tomorrow.
注: 動詞 come 可根據(jù)具體情況相應的改為 go.
3. 直接引語為疑問句式的變動。
(1) 間接引語中要用陳述句的語序
She asked, “What is it? What’s going to happen now?”
→She asked and then.
(2) 特殊疑問句的疑問詞要保留。
The boy was wondering, “How does the computer work?”
→The boy was wondering_____________________________.
“Why do you speak English so fluently?” I said to him.→I asked him .
(3) 一般、選擇或反意疑問句在間接引語前要加 whether 或 if
“Is there anything wrong, Madam?” asked the policeman.
→The policeman asked the woman .
He asked me, “Do you study English or French?”→He asked me .
“It’s Mary, isn’t it?” asked Jane.→Jane asked .
4. 直接引語為祈使句時的變動
當直接引語為祈使句時,主句中的謂語動詞在變動時往往根據(jù)直接引語中的口氣換用 ask, invite, advise, warn, tell, order 等動詞,而直接引語中的謂語動詞則要變成動詞不定式。
“Please explain why you’re two and a half hours late,” the boss said.
→The boss him why he was two and a half hours late.
“Don’t give up!” Father shouted to him.→Father him in a loud voice .
“Get everything ready in half an hour,” the teacher said to the students.
→The teacher the students everything ready in half an hour.
1. had begun 2. had lived 3. had seen; would have asked
4. had passed 5. had spoken
Choose the best answers: DDD
1.she was; her he didn’t; my had read the day before
told; goes discovered was
3.(1) what it was ;what was going to happen then.
(2) how the computer worked /why he spoke English so fluently
(3) whether/if there was anything wrong / whether I studied English or French./whether it was Mary or not .
4.asked ; to explain / told ; not to give up . / told ; to get
Book Ⅲ Module 3 The violence of Nature
(Period 3 Language study)
Teaching aim: Deal with the language points in the passage.
1.A tornado is a rotating column……
rotating 是V-ing 形式做定語。V-ing 形式做定語時,表示動作正在進行或謂語動詞所表示的動作幾乎同時發(fā)生,或表示某個經常的動作或狀態(tài)。
Eg: The man __________________________(站在桌子旁邊的)is our teacher.
Water ___________________(存在于空氣中的)is called vapor.
2. The most violent ------------ 400 kilometers per hour.
per 每,每一(時間,長度等單位)每天六十英鎊________每人二十美元________
3. Almost all of them occur……..
almost:幾乎,差不多常用來修飾形容詞, 副詞或動詞, 置于被修飾的詞語之前。
Eg; He __________(幾乎)fell off the bicycle.
辨析:almost 和nearly
eg:It’s almost / nearly eleven o’clock.
(2) almost 可與no. never. none. nothing 等否定意義的詞.但不可與not連用.而nearly一般用來修飾表示肯定意義的詞語.不與上述否定詞連用,但可與no連用. 用這兩個詞填空。
Eg: I have $30, but that isn’t ________enough for my journey.
_________no one believed her.
4. Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down.
pick up 詞義很多.要根據(jù)具體的語境. 細心體會.請翻譯下列句子中的這一短語.
(1)The boy picked up ( ) a stone and threw it at the window.
(2)You need a short wave to pick up ( ) BBC English programs.
(3)Shall I pick you up ( ) at the station?
(4)Why don’t you pick up ( ) your room?
(5)He picked up ( ) the information in a most unlikely place.
5. They can take the fur off……
take…….off 把……從……取下, 除去; 脫掉: 起飛
eg: ______________________(脫下衣服): they are very wet.
My plane _____________(起飛) at eight tomorrow.
6.They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.
(1) leave sb/sth +賓補(V-ing /V-ed /adj /adv /prep-phrase---)表示“使……處于某種狀態(tài)”。
eg. The shower left a beautiful rainbow _______________________.
(2)where it was是 where 引導的一個地點狀語從句。
eg. Put the book ___________________________________(它原來的地方)
7. on average平均:按平均值
也可以寫作 on the/an average
eg: ______________(平均起來), there are twenty boys present every day .
8. ….., causing about 80 deaths ……
………, affecting three Us states.
eg. His parents died, ____________(留下)the baby an orphan.
9………end up in the sea.
end up 是一個“動詞+副詞”結構的動詞詞組,用做不及物動詞。意為“結束, 終歸”,若表示“以-----結束”后加 with,如果后加 in,其后面跟的是結果。
Eg: The party ______________________(以…-結束)singing a new song.
His first experiment ___________________(以…而告終) failure.
I. 單項選擇:
1. The famous scientist grew up__________he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.
A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever
2. The mother is worried about her child, because he _________never eat vegetables.
A. hardly B. nearly C. almost D. about
3. I will ________on the corner. Don’t be late.
A. pick up you B. pick you up C. pick you out D. pick out you.
4. It is these poisonous products _______can ______the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.
A. who; cause B. that; cause C. how; bring D. what; make
5. An excellent idea ________to me when I woke up this morning.
A. happened B. broke out C. thought of D. occurred
II. 完成句子:
1.________________(平均起來),there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _____________________________(造成八十人死亡)and 1,500 injuries.
2._______________(到-----時候)it ended, more than 700 people had been killed .
3. Hurricanes are ______________________(強熱帶風暴)。
4.The house is hot ,please _______________________(把你的大衣脫下來)。
5.If you continue to steal, you will ________________prison. (以-------而告終).
6. He moved to London, ____________________________(在那里他變得很著名).
7.He died in 1898, _____________________________________.(是在颶風襲擊的前一年)
8.On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year ________.(導致許多死亡和傷害)
1. standing at the desk existing in the air
2. sixty pounds per day twenty dollars per person
3. almost nearly Almost
4.(1)拾起,撿起 (2)收聽,接收 (3)接人或取物
(4)收拾,整理 (5)偶爾得到,便宜買到
5. Take off your clothes takes off
6.hanging in the sky/where it was Where there is a will, there is a way.
7. On average
8. leaving
9 ended up with ended up in
I. 單項選擇:CCBBD
II. 1.On average/ causing about 80 deaths
2.By the time
3. strong tropical storms
4.take off your overcoat
5.end up in
6. where he became very famous
7. a year before the hurricane struck.
8. causing many deaths and injuries.
Book Ⅲ Module 3 The Violence of Nature
(Period 2 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary)
Teaching aim: Read and understand the passage.
Ⅰ. Read the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the words.
The Gulf Stream is a ____________________ which starts in the Gulf of Mexico and _____ northeast _______ the Atlantic. It also ______________the east coast of the United States towards eastern Canada. It’s one of ___________________ anywhere in the world. Because of it, the United Kingdom and other places in Europe are ___________than parts of Canada ____________________________.
Ⅱ. Read the passage on page 23
1.Answer the questions on page 22.
(1)How strong are tornado winds?
(2)What can happen to furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado?
(3)How many tornadoes are their in the US every year?
(4)How many people died in the worst tornado of all time?
(5)What happens at sea during a hurricane?
(6)When was the worst hurricane of all time?
(7)Was the actor Charles Coghlan killed in it?
(8)What happened to him after the hurricane?
2.Read the passage and fill in the form.
What is it…times per yeartime of the worst oneresults
3.Find proper words from the passage to match the definitions.
(1)you can see this on an animal ___________
(2)describing the hottest parts of the earth, north and south of the equator____
(3)a terrible event ___________
(4)you can see this on a bird ___________
(5)to place in the ground or tomb___________
(6)to happen ___________
(7)to hit ___________
4. Read the passage and fill in the blanks.
A tornado is a _____________ of air from a ____________ to the ground. The most ________ have winds of ___________ 400 kilometers per hour. Almost all of them _____ in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota _______________. Tornadoes can ____________ cars, trains and even houses and ____________________ in the next street. They can _____ the fur _____ the back of a cat and the _________ off a chicken. They can ________ houses, but leave the ________inside ___________________. _______ there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _________ 800 deaths and 1500 _______. The worst one _________ three US states and by the time ________, 700 people ____________ killed.
Hurricanes are ____________ storms. There are _______ winds of 120 kilometers per hour or more, which_________________, _____rain and ______. There are ___________ six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually ________ the east coast of the US. The worst hurricane disaster ________ in 1900, _________6,000 people and ________ 3,600 buildings.
Charles Coghlan had moved to Glaveston, ____he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane _______. The cemetery where he was ______ was destroyed by the hurricane and his coffin ______ in the sea. Eight years later his coffin was _________ back to Canada by the Gulf Stream.
Ⅲ.Extensive reading
Fill in the blanks using proper words and proper forms.
embarrass dress return discover earn for as into marry rise receive refer
These days, people who do manual work often _____ far more money than clerks who work in offices. People who work in offices are frequently ______ to as “white collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Alfred Bloggs worked ____a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation. When he got married, Alf was too _______ to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning, he left home_______ in a smart black suit. He then changed_______ overalls(n.工作服) and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before _______ home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. Alf's wife has never ________ that she _______ a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk. He will be _______ only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his _________ in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him “Mr. Bloggs”, not “Alf”.
Ⅰ. warm ocean current flows across travels
the strongest currents much warmer on the same latitude
Ⅱ. (1) More than 400km/ h.
(2) It stays where it was.
(3) About 800.
(4) More than 700.
(5) It has huge waves.
(6) 8th September, 1900.
(7) No. he wasn’t.
(8) His coffin was dropped in the ea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Gulf Stream.
2. Read the passage and fill in the form.
What is it…times per yeartime of the worst oneresults
tornadoIt is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.On average there are 800 tornadoes in the US.In 1925700 people had been killed and 2700 had been injured.
hurricaneIt is strong tropical storm.There are on average 6 Atlantic hurricanes.On the 8th September 1900It killed 6000 people and destroyed 3,600 buildings.
3.(1) fur (2) tropical (3) disaster (4) feather (5) bury
(6)occur (7) strike
4.rotating column; thunderstorm; violent; more than;
occur; in the north; pick up; put them down; take;
off; feathers; destroy; furniture; exactly where it was;
On average; causing; injuries; affected; it ended;
had been; strong tropical; violent; cause huge waves;
heavy; floods; on average; affect; occurred;
killing; destroying; where; struck;. buried;
ended up; carried
Ⅲ. receive; referred; as; embarrassed; dressed; into;
returning; discovered; married; earning; rise
Book Ⅲ Module 3 The Violence of Nature
(Period 1 Word Study)
Teaching aim: learn new words.
1.flood n. 做名詞 “洪水”講時,用單、復數(shù)都可以。
eg. Many houses were washed away by the _________(洪水).
in flood 在泛濫 eg. The river__________________(在泛濫).
v. 淹沒,泛濫,洪水
eg. The river _________(淹沒) the town.
In the past two years, many villages and towns in this small country _______by the storm.
A.flooded B. were flooded C. have flooded D. have been flooded
2.experience (c) 經歷,閱歷 (u) 經驗,體驗 (vt) 經歷,體驗
(1) He can’t ___________________________________(忘記他在非洲的經歷)。
(2) Our teacher has rich/much ______________________(教學經驗)。
(3) As we know, ______ is the best teacher.
A.experiment B. experience C. effort D. skill
(4) Children need to ________ things for themselves in order to learn from them. (經歷)
3.cause n. 原因,起因(引起事物的根本原因)
reason n. 理由,緣故
(1) Carelessness is often the _______(起因) of fires.
(2) You have no _______ (理由) to complain.
cause v. 引起,使產生 cause … to do…/sth 使……/引起
eg. His illness caused him to miss the game.
4.occur (occurred, occurring)
①發(fā)生(同 happen)The accident occurred on Sunday.
②(主意或想法突然)浮現(xiàn),想到 (occur to)
A good idea ___________ me.(我想到了一個好主意)
It occurred to me that he was brave. (我突然發(fā)現(xiàn)……)
It occurs to sb. to do… 某人想到要做…
I supposed it never ______________________ to the police.(你沒想到給警方打電話。)
5. strike (struck, struck)
(1) (= hit) strike sb. 擊打
A snowball __________ him on the back of the head.
(2) strike a match/light 劃火柴
(3) The clock ___________12. (敲打)
(4)It struck me that …… / sth strikes sb. …(突然想起)
It _____________(突然意識到) she forgot to do her homework.
(5)What struck me was the friendship in his family. (打動,感動,給人以…印象)
It _________ me ________ a great idea. 我覺得這個主意好極了。
(6) n. 罷工 go on strike/ be on strike
Bus drivers ____________(罷工)last week, called off a strike yesterday. 停止罷工。
6. injure vt. 指意外或事故造成的損傷。
hurt vt. 指肉體或精神上傷害 vi. 疼痛,感到疼痛
wound vt. 主要指戰(zhàn)場上槍,刀彈傷(后跟的賓語是整個人,而不是受傷部分。
the wounded/injured 傷員
harm vt.&n. 危害(指對某人或某物不利)do harm to
damage “損失”,指的是局部的損壞,經過修復后仍可使用
do damage to 對……有損害
destroy “毀壞”,指程度較重,無法修復。
ruin “毀壞,使毀滅”ruin one’s health 把身體搞壞; ruin oneself 毀了自己
(1) The earthquake__________(毀掉)the power station and seriously_________(損壞)the dam.
(2) What they said ______(傷害) his sister greatly.
(3) The solider was badly ________(受傷) in the right hand.
(4) That accident ________(毀了) his eyes.
(5) It does great ________(破壞) to our health.
7. active
take an active part in 積極參加
be active in work 工作積極
② 主動的(反passive)
the active/passive voice 主動/被動語態(tài)
8. luckily= fortunately, thankfully, hopefully, sadly都可以修飾全句,選擇合適的詞填空。
(1)_________(可悲地是), he failed an examination.
(2)______________________(幸運地是), they returned safely.
(3)____________(很有希望地), I will be back by six o’clock.
(4)____________(謝天謝地), it’s at last stopped raining.
9. bury
(1) 埋葬/埋 bury sb./sth. in/ at
Gretta wanted to ___________(埋葬) at St. Peter’s。
He turned away, ______(埋)his face in the pillow.
(2) bury oneself in (work, studies etc.) 埋頭(工作,學習等)
After the divorce, she ______________________(埋頭于) her work.
鞏固運用 單詞拼寫
1. “Please put all the __________(家具) in the order of height.”
2. This city __________(經歷了) the _________(罷工) of the workers.
3. Many __________(火山) e_________ every now and then.
4. The most __________(劇烈)wind travels more than 400 kilometers per hour.
5. There are 500 fires in this city, ___________(導致) 80 deaths and 500 injuries.
6. The worst hurricane __________(災難) ___________(發(fā)生) in 1900 in Texas.
1. flood(s) is in flood flooded D
2. 1) forget his experiences in Africa
2) teaching experience
3) B
4) experience
3. 1) cause 2) reason
4. occurred to/hit/struck/came to occurred to you to telephone
5. (3) struck (4) struck her that (5) struck; as (6) going on strike;
6. (1) destroyed; damaged (2) hurt (3) wounded (4) injured (5) harm
8. (1) Sadly (2) Fortunately/Luckily (3) Hopefully (4) Thankfully
9. (1) be buried /burying (2) buried herself in
鞏固運用 單詞拼寫
1. furniture 2. experienced /strike 3. volcano (e)s/erupts 4. violent
5. causing 6. disaster / occurred