Autumn 一、 教學目的: 1、對用英語組織的“掃落葉”活動產生極大興趣,能邊聽邊做游戲。 2、初步學習單詞:leaves感知整首歌曲,并理解短語flying all around和lying on the ground。 二、教學準備:秋天的落葉圖片一張、掃帚一把、許多落葉、風的頭飾、黑板一塊 三、教學過程: 一、 復習: 1、聽音樂學袋鼠邊唱邊跳進教室。 2、韻律活動:<head shouldes knees and toes>(根據音樂的快慢來變換動作、用踏腳來代替toes、用拍肩來代替shouldes) 3、游戲:《go go touch the ……》(復習幼兒對單詞的認讀) 二、 學習單詞: (出示樹葉)Look,what are these?(Leaves),read after me . 三|、拋樹葉,引出二組詞組: 1、(將幾片樹葉向上拋,指著飄落的樹葉)The leaves are flying all around. (樹葉落地后)The leaves are lying on the ground. 2、Look at the carefully once again . 3、I will fly like the leaves (示范).flying all around. I will be like the leaves, lying on the ground. can you? 4、教師交替發(fā)出指令,速度由慢到快,引導幼兒練習5?6次。 5、邊聽音樂邊做動作,速度由慢到快。 Listen to the music .when you hear “flying all around” you must fly fly fly . When the hear “l(fā)ying on the ground”.you must go to sleep 四、玩游戲:<wind and leaves> at last, we will play a new game .you are leaves .I am wind. When the wind blows strong .you should fly fast. When the wind blows feeble. You should fly slowly. When the wind should stop. Then ,I will put all of you together. When you hear the music .you go back to you seats.(第一次教師做風,第二次\第三次請小朋友做風) 結束:let’s go out play.