General Vocabulary (一般詞匯)
I don’t speak Russian. /Я не говорю по-русски.
I speak only a little Russian. /Я немного говорю по-русски.
I understand. /Я понимаю.
I don’t understand. /Я не понимаю.
Speak slowly. /Говорите медленно.
Repeat, please. /Повторите, пожалуйста.
Yes. /Да.
No. /Нет.
Perhaps. /Может быть.
Certainly. /Конечно.
That’s good. /Это хорошо.
That’s bad. /Это плохо.
Please. /Пожалуйста.
Thank you. /Спасибо.
Not at all. /Не за что.
You are welcome. /Пожалуйста.На здоровье.
I’m sorry.Excuse me. /Извините.
Oh! /Aх!Ой!
you (addressing one person)/ Вы (formal, polite form),ты (informal form)
English pronoun "you" corresponds to two Russian pronouns - ты (ti) and Вы (vi). Вы is used either if you address a person, who is older than you, or if you just want to emphasize that you respect him/her (official tone). When people see each other for the first time they also should use Вы. During the conversation they both may start to say ты after a while.
he /он
she /она
it /оно
we /мы
you (addressing several persons) /вы
they /они
here /здесь
there /там
this /это
that /то
now /cейчас
not now /нe сейчас
later /позже
soon /скоро
Interrogative Words & Expressions (疑問表達(dá))
Who? /Кто?
What? /Что?
Which? /Какой?,Который?
"What ( what sort of ) " in singular мasculine is какой (ka-KOHY), in singular feminine is какая (ka-KA-ya), in singular neuter is какое (ka-KO-yeh), аll genders in plural is какие (ka-KEE-yeh)."Which ( what particular one or ones)" in singular мasculine is который (ka-TO-riy), in singular feminine is которая (ka-TO-ra-ya), in singular neuter is которое (ka-TO-ra-yeh), аll genders in plural is которые (ka-TO-ri-yeh). See details in our Grammar Reference Book.
When? /Когда?
Where? /Где?
Where from? /Откуда?
Why? /Почему?
How? /Как?
How much/many? /Сколько?
How much time? /Сколько времени?
How much money? /Сколько денег?
Who is this? /Кто это?
Who’s there? /Кто там?
What is this? /Что это?
Where are we? /Где мы?