1. 讓我來幫你完成工作吧。
× Let me help youto doyour work.
√ Let me help you withyour work.
2. 我建議你去休個長假。
× I recommend youtotake a long vacation.
√ I recommendthat you take a long vacation.
3. 過來。
× Cometo here.
√ Comehere.
4. 太陽從東方升起。
× The sun risesfrom the East.
√ The sun risesin the East.
5. 小偷是從窗戶爬進來的。
× The thief got infromthe window.
√ The thief got in throughthe window.
6. 讓我們從第10頁開始。
× Let's begin from page 10.
√ Let's beginat(on)page 10.
7. 我耐心有限。
× There is a limitinmy patience.
√ There is a limittomy patience.
8. 請在白線內(nèi)等待。
× Please waitinsidethe white line.
√ Please waitbehindthe white line.
9. 你家房子買了火險嗎?
× Is your house insured forfire?
√ Is your house insuredagainstfire?
10. 我沒地方住。
× I have no house tolive.
√ I have no house tolive in.
Conjunction Use連詞用法
1. 和我不一樣,她對英語很精通。
×Different from me, she is proficient in English.
√ Unlike me, she is proficient in English.
2. 莫妮卡,借我點錢吧,比方說500美元。
× Lend me some money,for instance500 dollars, Monika.
√ Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Monika.
3. 去年夏天我本想去歐洲,但費用太高于是放棄了。
× I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive soI gave up to go.
√ I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so Igave up the idea.
4. 我就是這樣做的。
× This is the way how I did it.
√ This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.
5. 我來這兒的路上遇到了交通事故,所以遲到了。
× There was a traffic accident on my way here.It is why I was late.
√ There was a traffic accident on my way here.Thatis why I was late.
6. 他們不理解我的想法。
× hey didn't understand my mind.
√ They didn't understandwhat I was thinking.
Adverb Use副詞用法
1. 去哪兒都行。
× Anywherewill do.
√ Any placewill do.
2. 會議定在今天下午3點召開。
× The general meeting is scheduled to be heldthis afternoon at three.
√ The general meeting is scheduled to be heldat three this afternoon.
3. 昨天早上在費爾大街,她偶遇了她的男朋友。
× She ran into her boyfriendyesterday morning in Fair Avenue.
√ She ran into her boyfriend in Fair Avenue yesterday morning.
4. 不要對我抱太多期望。
× Don't expectme too much.
√ Don't expecttoo much from (of) me.
5. 給我點錢吧,如果你有的話。
× Give me money, if you have.
√ Give me money, if youhave any.
6. 他待我十分友好。
× He treated me veryfriendly.
√ He treated me in a friendly way.
Verb Use動詞用法
1. 你就是在這點上弄錯了。
× This is where youmistake.
√ This is where you are mistaken.
2. 我哥哥一直在忙著準(zhǔn)備期終考試。
× My brother has been busyin preparingfor his final examination.
√ My brother has been busypreparingfor his final examination.
3. 勞拉用了半天時間復(fù)習(xí)功課。
× Laura has spent half a day to reviseher lessons.
√ Laura has spent a half dayrevisingher lessons.
4. 我習(xí)慣了開燈看電視。
× I am used to watchtelevision with the light on.
√ I am used towatchingtelevision with the light on.
5. 飯后,母親提議去散步。
× After dinner, my mother suggestedto gofor a walk.
√ After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.
6. 政府正在考慮在倫敦新建一個機場的可能性。
× The government is considering the possibility to build a new airport in London.
√ The government is considering the possibilityof buildinga new airport in London.
7. 他的新書將大賣。
× His new book will be sold well.
√ His new book will sell well.
8. 我有很多活要干。
× I have a lot of work to be done.
√ I have a lot of work to do.
9. 孩子們當(dāng)時處境非常危險,一個殺氣騰騰的瘋子正揮著刀在幼兒園里亂跑。
× The children were very dangerousas the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.
√ The children were in great dangeras the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.
Word Choice單詞選擇
1. 你的外套破了。
× Your coat is broken.
√ Your coat is torn.
2. 總之蘇珊沒犯錯。
× Susan didn't make afaultanyway.
√ Susan didn't make amistakeanyway.
3. 能借你電話用下嗎?
× May I borrowyour phone?
√ May I useyour phone?
4. 他有所好轉(zhuǎn)。
× Hebecomes better.
√ He gotbetter.
5. 外面天還亮。
× It was stillbright outside.
√ It was still light outside.
6. 在美國一般學(xué)生都不穿校服。
× Common students in U.S. don't wear a uniform.
√ The average students in U.S. don't wear a uniform.
7. 這道色拉是誰做的?
× Whocooked this salad?
√ Whomadethis salad?
8. 讓我給你把把脈。
× Let me examineyour pulse.
√ Let mefeelyour pulse.
9. 我把帽子忘在屋里了。
× I forgetmy hat in the house.
√ I leftmy hat in the house.
10. 你上過大學(xué)嗎?
× Did you attendcollege?
√ Did yougo to college?
11. 他的體溫降下來了。
× His temperature wentdown.
√ His temperaturecamedown.
12. 今天的報紙上有他寫的關(guān)于香港的文章。
× Today's newspapershashis articles on Hong Kong.
√ Today's newspaperscarrieshis articles on Hong Kong.
13. 開窗睡你會感冒的。
× You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.
√ You'll catch a coldif you sleep with your window open.
14. 我去醫(yī)院探望了她生病的母親。
× I visited herillmotherinthe hospital.
√ I visited her sickmother in the hospital.
15. 她是第一名。
× She wasfirst prize.
√ Shetookfirst prize.
16. 他失去意識很長時間了。
× He lost consciousnessfor a long time.
√ Hewas unconsciousfor a long time.
17. 他創(chuàng)造了世界紀(jì)錄。
× He made a world record.
√ He seta world record.
18. 她婚姻幸福。
× Her marriagewas happy.
√ Hermarried lifewas happy.
19. 今年夏天我要去自己的出生地看看,這是2019年來的第一次。
× I'll visit my native place forthe first time in ten years this summer.
√ I'll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this summer.
20. 這個座位有人嗎?
× Is this seat empty?
√ Is this seat taken?
21. 我看他面熟。
× Iknow his face.
√ I know him by sight.
22. 我的手表不走了,我得拿去檢查下。
× My watchdoesn't move at all. I must get it checked up.
√ My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1137642.html