Developing and Developed Countries

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
主 備 人王嘎使 用 人
課題名稱Book3 Module2
Learning aim:
1.some language points
2. the usage of some language points
1. a list of names, subjects etc. at the back of a book —______(指數(shù))
2. an organization to which you give money so that it can give money and help to people who are poor, ill etc. — ______(慈善團(tuán)體)
3. a particular place or position where someone or something is —______(位置)
4. A new f______ is being built in our city. We will go everywhere more easily.
5. The bus was c______, so I decided to get off ahead of time.
6. In some ______ (工業(yè)的) areas, the air condition is not so good.
7. The ______ (氣候) here in Suzhou is mild. It issuitable for people to live.
8. We should take any possible steps to prevent the ______ (污染).
9. The animal show was so ______ (吸引人的) that the theater was full of people soon.
10. In many countries, _________ (貧窮), war and violence are very common.
II. 選詞填空
crowded development educated exchange expectancy
funny homeless inhabitant location measure
polluted poverty transport unfortunate vast
1. Can you ________accurately with this ruler?
2. She want to meet him with an air of________.
3. The public should be ________in how to use energy more effectively.
4. We should provide emergency accommodation for the________.
5. We had a very ________ schedule on the trip.
6. I was ________ enough to lose my keys.
7. The city is heavily________.
8. You look very ________ in your new suit.
9. His business empire was truly ________.
10. She had been worn down by ________ and illness.
11. We should pay more attention to the healthy ________ of children.
12. They are the oldest ________ of the island.
13. He is giving her French lessons in ________for her teaching him English.
14. My car is being repaired so I am without ________at the moment.
15. Who devoted his time for the ________ of the missing boat?
1. The team leaders agreed ______ work together to improve their living conditions.
A. withB. to C. onD. over
2. China is a _____ country _____ to the third world.
A. developed; belongs B. developing; belonging
C. developing; belonged D. developed; belonged
3. — I want to go to the post office.
— _____ you are there, can you get me some stamps?
A. AsB. While C. Because D. Until
4. Several new railways are under ______ in China.
A. constructionB. condition C. surrounding D. discussion
5. In Africa, many people die of ______ every year.
A. hungryB. hunger C. cold D. food
6. ______ he is a child, he can speak English.
A. Although B. But C. AsD. While
7. The lake is so ______ that it usually takes our boat about 3 hours to carry the passengers from this side to the other side.
A. attractiveB. vast C. longD. deep
8. —Why don’t we use our natural resources and scenery to develop___?
— Yes, that’s a good idea.
A. industryB. business C. projectD. tourism
9. He went back to his office to ______ that he had shut off the computer.
A. make sureB. believe in C. make progressD. care about
10. The fire in that gas station made all the ______ around it frightened.
A. charactersB. inhabitants C. participantsD. committee


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