degrade 基本解釋
及物動詞降低,貶低; 使降級; 降低…身分; 使丟臉
及物/不及物動詞降解; (使)退化,降解,分解; 撤職,免職; 降低品格[身價,價值(等)]
degrade 同義詞
動詞demote downgrade lower reduce
degrade 反義詞
及物動詞uplift exalt elevate
degrade 相關(guān)例句
1. You degrade yourself when you tell a lie.
2. He was degraded for disobeying orders.
3. He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.
1. This herbicide degrades in moist soil.
degrade 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋
1. 降級:此書的作者,用通俗易懂的英文,循序漸進(jìn)的方式將JavaScript DOM編程最清晰的表達(dá)給了讀者,而最讓我激動的是,他將如何使行為層與表現(xiàn)層、內(nèi)容層實(shí)現(xiàn)完全分離的方式展現(xiàn)給了我們,而且還重點(diǎn)加強(qiáng)了Javascript降級(degrade)思想,Javascript應(yīng)該是對文本內(nèi)容的一個補(bǔ)充,
2. 降低:根據(jù)攻擊對目標(biāo)造成的破壞程度,攻擊影響自低向高可以分為:無效(None)、服務(wù)降低(Degrade)、可自恢復(fù)的服務(wù)破壞(Self-recoverable)、可人工恢復(fù)的服務(wù)破壞(Manu-recoverable)以及不可恢復(fù)的服務(wù)破壞(Non-recoverable).
3. 降解:隨之這種微粒會降解(degrade)成對人體無害的副產(chǎn)物,并於5天內(nèi)自人體安全地排出. 為了制作這種微粒,研究人員先讓電流通過半導(dǎo)體業(yè)界使用的矽晶圓,在晶圓上形成奈米級孔洞,接著以超聲波震碎布滿孔洞的晶圓,
degrade 雙語例句
1. Matrix metallo-proteinase-9 (MMP-9) can degrade extracellular matrix, distroy vessel basemembrane and induce edema formation. Tumor necrosis factor- a may act as an operator in ischemic inflammation. It can also affect the edema formation.
2. Three components of peroxide in the activator amongwhich have the different decomposed temperatures made the Vinyl-ester resinsolidified heat discharge increased that gained a bigger solidified degree. Theactivator-adopted quantity can dramatically affect the casting samples performance:eg. When use 1.0-1.4 portions of activator, the casing sample can reach its maximumTensile strength and Bend strength; when use more activator, the polymeric meshworkcontracted which embrittle the casing sample and reduce the dynamic performance; Inthe Pultrusion processing, when CF composed of about 60vo1%, more demould agentcan bring the better processing but degrade the CFRP, normally use around 1.2 portion.
采用具有不同分解溫度的三組分有機(jī)過氧化物引發(fā)劑,乙烯基酯樹脂的固化反應(yīng)放熱量增加,固化程度提高;引發(fā)劑用量對澆注體的性能影響很大,在用量為 1.0~1.4 份時,澆注體拉伸強(qiáng)度劑彎曲強(qiáng)度達(dá)到最高,過多的引發(fā)劑使聚合網(wǎng)絡(luò)減小,澆注體變脆,力學(xué)性能降低;在拉擠成型工藝中,碳纖維的體積含量一般為 60%左右,脫模劑增加使加工性能好轉(zhuǎn)但會使復(fù)合材料性能下降,一般用量為 1.2 份。
3. The 420nm absorption band overlapped with the useful 420nm blue-luminescence band will significantly degrade the light yield. It is important to study the origin of the absorption bands for enhancing the scientillation properties of the crystal.
4. But high insolubility restrict its application, so we need to carry on chemical milling to it, carry on the structure and decorate or degrade its strand partly.
5. Subsequently, the structural and damage dynamics of the coolant channel ligament are analyzed and modeled. Damage rates and distributions of the coolant channel ligament are evaluated under the preceding five different combustor chamber pressures. The simulation results indicate that damage accumulation of the coolant channel ligament is markedly reduced, while the combustor chamber pressure slightly degrade.
6. However, mechanical prosthetic valve has poor biocompatibility, and biological valve is easy to degrade and to be damaged. People have studied a new material to make valve. Giant molecule materials-made no-stent bio-mitral valve with chordae tendineae is similar to normal valve.
7. The main purpose of this design is the design to meet the application requirements that can degrade the oil furnace.
8. Operators could block access or degrade the quality of their data services, but that would antagonise subscribers.
9. This study demonstrates that the degrade excitability of dynamoneure may be internal mechanism of electric acupuncture cure hemiparalysis of spasmodic limbs after cerebral infarction.
10. As the development of human society, population pressure is strengthened ceaselessly and unreasonable activity, be like excessive depasture, excessive cultivate, chaos is collected dig etc, make contemporary prairie happens generally degrade.
11. The high-maturation sandstone properties degrade with the increase of clay mineral content, especially, permeability, and it is enhanced by the increase of kaolinite and filling-state clay mineral content.
12. Sucrose has little effect on the stability of pigment while citric acid has considerable positive effect on increasing the color and luster, and keeping the stability of pigment. Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate degrade the pigment quite obviously when their mass fraction are more than 0.01%.
13. Results obtained showed that one mould had high saccharogenic power and could degrade starch into reducing sugar with 30.4% converting ratio at 28℃.
14. P. chrysosporium could degrade dyes and printing wastewater shows a good prospect for its application in the field of environmental protection.
15. Saying prospective society is wet, not be to point to antarctic to melt of course, sea level rises, the mankind developmental or degrade adult fish.
16. The activated sludge could degrade different phenolic mixtures under high salt conditions. Inhibitory effect of catchol and salicylate on phenol degradation was not obvious, but the removal rate was decreased in the presence of p-cresol.
鹽度和pH沖擊對活性污泥體系降解性能影響較大,鹽度在50g/L NaCl以下時去除速率隨鹽度的增加而增加,但鹽度達(dá)100 g/L NaCl以上時,去除速率明顯下降。
17. Sticking to monohydrate is the best bet, because serum`s and the like degrade quickly in their containers.
18. The sound did not degrade over time as it did with vinyl or tape.
19. The matrix metalloproteinases are a group of zinc-dependent endopeptidase with homogenous structure and function; it can degrade various components of the extracellular matrix.
20. Emphases of research were the photosynthetic bacteria treatment phase: It studied the cultivation and isolation of purple nonsulfur bacteria, the growth rhythm and influence factors were analysed, and the photosynthetic bacteria which could degrade the practical dye wastewater were naturalized successfully.
degrade 詞典解釋
1. 使丟臉;有辱…的人格;降低…的身份
Something that degrades someone causes people to have less respect for them.
e.g. ...the notion that pornography degrades women...
e.g. When I asked him if he had ever been to a prostitute he said he wouldn't degrade himself like that.
Mr Porter was subjected to a degrading strip-search.
2. 使惡化;使退化
To degrade something means to cause it to get worse.
e.g. ...the ability to meet human needs indefinitely without degrading the environment.
3. (使)降解
In science, if a substance degrades or if something degrades it, it changes chemically and decays or separates into different substances.
e.g. This substance degrades rapidly in the soil.
e.g. ...the ability of these enzymes to degrade cellulose.
degrade 單語例句
1. degrade的意思
1. Under any circumstance service providers should not significantly degrade the service standard and quality, he explained.
2. degrade的翻譯
2. So domestic mineral resources hardly meet the industrial demand, and their overuse will degrade the competence of the manufacturing industry and threaten economic security.
3. " It takes some 400 years for traditional plastic bags to degrade, " Ni said.
4. But as more and more people visit the sacred place, the paintings and sculptures in the caves will degrade as a result.
5. I wonder if she is a mole sent by Jackie Chan and his cronies from The Disciple to mentally degrade me.
6. degrade什么意思
6. Some local governments are degrade the environments in the name of maintaining stable economic growth.
7. His consistent political stance is to degrade the Chinese government, criticize Chinese culture and advocate Westernization in China.
8. The Internet worsens the situation because virtual networks degrade people's communicating ability, she added.
9. They not only can be washed off streets, but also degrade naturally in the environment.
10. degrade的翻譯
10. Pound said the measure would prevent athletes and their advisors from deliberately delaying their'B'tests in the hope that samples would degrade.
degrade 英英釋義
1. lower the grade of something
reduce its worth
Synonym: cheapen
2. reduce the level of land, as by erosion
3. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally
e.g. She tends to put down younger women colleagues
His critics took him down after the lecture
Synonym: take down disgrace demean put down