

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶






vine 基本解釋

名詞藤; 葡萄樹; 藤本植物


vine 相關(guān)例句


1. They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines.

vine 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 葡萄樹:托羅恩(Trone)和詹尼弗(Jennifer):<<當(dāng)被害人擁有知情權(quán)時:葡萄樹(VINE)的自動通知>>,紐約:維拉司法研究所,1999年. <<維拉研究所關(guān)于紐約市犯罪與司法的地圖>>,紐約:維拉司法研究,1993年. 溫特弗爾德(Winterfield)和勞拉(Laura):<<紐約市青少年的犯罪經(jīng)歷>>,

2. 藤本植物:花苞顯然是來自這條根,但這根不屬於這種植物,而是那株藤本植物( vine )的一部份. 在藤本的粗干中,有無數(shù)條發(fā)般的細(xì)絲,它不屬於藤本,而是屬於大花草(rafflesia,Rafflesia sp.). 大花草沒有莖也沒有葉,完全靠藤本植物的汁液為生.

3. 葡萄:不難想像,矢車菊性情的朋友,在成長過程中總有一些馬鞭草(Vervain)、葡萄(Vine)或菊苣(Chicory)等個性強(qiáng)硬的父母或友輩,從靈魂學(xué)習(xí)去看,這樣的布局,正是要讓他們學(xué)習(xí)獨(dú)立,學(xué)做自己.

4. 藤蔓:放到樹洞,讓小人把草汁擦樹上. 需要刀. 需要升級技術(shù)(大概是藥學(xué)),把小人放火堆上方峭壁的藤蔓(vine)上,他就找刀割下黑果. 找人煮水烹調(diào). 學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)(LEARNING)升Lv3自然有.

vine 雙語例句

1. Walking posture from the dust of Yijin, the location of the statue from the design of Block in the end, the old vine on every detail Qingliqingwei Therefore, he Xiaoping Jiongjiongweishen more clearly the vision contained in the expectations.

2. The ornamental plant of milkweed family was liken by people with its unusual of flower, its elegant of vine.


3. Make it the one desire of our hearts to be branches, so lled with the Spirit of the Vine, as to bring forth fruit abundantly.

4. I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.

5. I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.

6. Any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears hard-rinded fruits.

7. Edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine grown widely in warm regions of the United States.

8. The process of natural succession of restoring vegetation in central Guizhou after rocky desertification in Karst area was divided into the herbosa stage, the stage of herbosa-shrub, the stage of vine-shrub, the stage of subaltern tree forest and the climax stage.


9. It took three hours to free Mildred Day, 38, from a train car at the Vine Street station.

10. But a third is in a manner not to concious of it, but is like the vine that has borne a cluster of grapes, and when it has once borne its due fruit looks for no reward beyong, as it is with a steed when it has run its course, a hound when it has singled out the trail, a bee when she hath made her comb.

11. Thus says the LORD of hosts: Glean, glean like a vine the remnant of Israel; Pass your hand, like a vintager, repeatedly over the tendrils.

12. I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded.
6:11 我下入核桃園,要看谷中青綠的植物,要看葡萄發(fā)芽沒有,石榴開花沒有。


13. I went down into the garden of nuts, to look at the green plants of the valley, to see whether the vine budded, and the pomegranates were in flower.

14. I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flou***shed, and the pomegranates budded.
6:11 我下入核桃園,要看谷中青綠的植物,要看葡萄發(fā)芽沒有,石榴開花沒有。


15. Then you learn to be in your nature and to let go of your grip on the vine.

16. You should climb like a vine up tall mountains through ancient forests, sipping springwater and rainwater

17. An evergreen, tendril-bearing woody vine, native chiefly to the southeast United States and having showy red-orange, trumpet-shaped flowers.

18. The grapes wither ed on the vine.

19. Mr Obama may yet pull off a political upset himself, but it is just as likely that health reform will quietly wither on the vine.

20. Yang Wengang supports himself through farming, yet, the vegetables he grows have to be sold in order to make money, which is difficult with his condition. Often, the vegetables just wither and rot on the vine; even so, Yang remains hopeful.

vine 詞典解釋

1. vine的意思

1. 藤本植物;攀援植物;(尤指)葡萄藤
A vine is a plant that grows up or over things, especially one which produces grapes.

e.g. Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.

vine 單語例句

1. I saw the strong wind swept away many greenhouse roofs, cotton seedlings and young grapes on the vine.

2. vine的近義詞

2. When it is fully grown, it is removed from the vine and permitted to dry for a few weeks.

3. vine的反義詞

3. You can even buy grape leaves in tins to make rice and minced meat stuffed vine leaves.

4. Visitors can tour corridors of grapes spanning kilometers, picking and tasting grapes from the vine along the way.

5. vine的意思

5. Zhang is Hamlet himself, holding onto his literary vine and fighting against the erosion of money and the market.

6. If you were bemoaning the lack of quirky curios and prints at Panjiayuan antique market recently then Vine Bar has a lot to answer for.

7. The vine's low numbers put it at higher risk for being wiped out by natural disasters like hurricanes and disease outbreaks.

8. vine的解釋

8. At the waiter's recommendation I chose yogurt with peach and honey, plus vine leaves stuffed with rice.

9. vine的翻譯

9. Tomatoes on the vine are so plump and fresh that they look like red lanterns.

10. Although most hoops are woven with vine stripes, there are also hoops whose back part is made with spiral silver wires.

vine 英英釋義



1. a plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/danci/1282170.html
