MS 基本解釋
abbr.=manuscript 手稿; 手寫本; =Mississippi 密西西比河; =Master of Science 理科碩士
MS 情景對話
A:Good morning. Ms Carlings office. What can I do for you?
B:This is Marlene Casper. I need to meet with Ms Carling. She knows who I am.
我是Marlene Casper,我要約見Carling女士,她知道我是誰。
A:Hold on , please. Ill check her schedule…… You can meet with Ms Carling at 10:00 tomorrow.
B:Thatll be fine. Thank you very much.
International Trade-(國際貿(mào)易)
A:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.
B:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.
A:Yes, how may I help you?
B:Im interested in a couple of items in your new catalog, and I would like to know the prices.
A:Great. Were offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind?
B:Were particularly interested in your new RS-five sound card shown on page five of your catalog. I would also like more details about the model RS-four card on page seven.
我們特別中意你們目錄第五頁里的新型RS-5 的聲卡。我還想知道更多關(guān)于第七頁里RS-4 型聲卡的細節(jié)。
A:OK. The price on the RS-five is forty-five U.S. dollars for quantities up to five hundred units. Then we offer quantity discounts for larger orders.
好的。數(shù)量有達到五百片的話,RS-5 的價格是四十五美元。大量定購的話我們還有折扣。
B:And the price on the RS-four?
那RS-4 的價格呢?
A:The RS-four is one of our promotional items this month. For orders received by the end of the month, the price is thirty-three dollars each. That price is good on any size order.
RS-4 是我們本月的促銷產(chǎn)品之一,本月底前接到訂單的話,單價是三十三美元。不管定單數(shù)量多少都是這個價格。
B:That price sounds good. Could you send me more details about the RS-four, including the specifications?
這個價格聽起來不錯。你可以寄給我更詳細的RS-4 型的資料和說明書嗎?
A:Certainly. I can fax or E-mail that information to you this afternoon.
B:Terrific. Ill get back to you after Ive reviewed the details. Thank you. Good-bye.
MS 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋
1. 移動臺:通信業(yè)務的最大需求量是在大城市,有不同種類的通信業(yè)務,即由車載大或便攜式移 動臺(MS)所產(chǎn)生的,由室外和室內(nèi)個人臺(即手機PS)所產(chǎn)生的等等. 在這些不同情況下 的用戶數(shù)是可以估計的,可能按不同城市的特性會有所變化.
2. 牧師:) 可可超人 牧師(MS) 沐雪若菲 術(shù)虱(SS) Zetacola 小的(小德) 林熊貓 鵪鶉囡(暗夜男)軒 瓦里安(LM NPC) 無事可樂 侏儒賊 林熊貓 術(shù)虱的小鬼 林熊貓 地精甲 CBI 甲菌烹 奶茶超人 三宮六院 Zetacola 導演+編劇+分鏡+模型+動畫+特效+合成+編輯:核桃(好辛苦的說......) [當前登場人物簡介] 哀木涕: 集合了呆傻蠢笨為一體,
3. 埃及航空公司:林德國際是埃及航空公司(MS)、南航中東航線、阿聯(lián)酋聯(lián)合航空公司(EY)、肯尼亞達時貨運航空公司(DAS)等多家航空公司的核心代理. 承接非洲、中東、東南亞、西亞、印度、歐洲、美國等地的航空代理運輸、貨物包機運輸、危險品運輸、代理包裝、報關(guān)清關(guān)、商檢、動植物檢驗檢疫等一系列國際業(yè)務.
4. ms:metadata management system; 管理系統(tǒng)
5. ms:metasolic syndrome; 代謝綜合征
6. ms:mass-spectrum; 質(zhì)譜
7. ms:mutiple sclerosis; 多發(fā)性硬化
MS 雙語例句
1. Ex Lind1. Methods: The chemical compositions of volatile oil of the plant which were obtained by steam distillation with hexane were analyzed by GC-MS equipped with a elastic quartz capillary column-HP-5MS5% Phenyl Methyl Siloxane (30 m× 0.25 mm ×0.25 μm).
利用有機溶劑-水蒸氣蒸餾法提取揮發(fā)油,用氣相色譜-質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用進行測定,色譜柱為HP-5MS5%Phenyl Methyl Siloxane(30m×0.25mm×0.25μm)彈性石英毛細管柱,結(jié)合計算機檢索技術(shù)對分離的化合物進行結(jié)構(gòu)鑒定,應用色譜峰面積歸一化法計算各成分的相對百分含量。
2. Abilities similar to those of Ms. Devi but who is socially inept
3. Today Ms. Cico is Ceo of Ambrosetti Group, international consultancy company specialized in strategic consultancy, with the headquarters in Milan, Italy.
4. METHODS: Exposed cutaneous branches rooted in rami posterior nervi spinalis and dominated muscles by exciding the median skin at the back of the rat's neck, given electric stimulation to the muscles by Low-frequency pulse transmitter. The output range was Voltage 0-40 V, frequency 1-111 Hz and pulse width 0-1000 ms.
切開大鼠頸后正中表皮,顯露脊神經(jīng)后支皮支及其所支配的頸部后外側(cè)肌群,使用低頻脈沖發(fā)射器對上述肌肉進行電刺激,發(fā)射器的輸出范圍為:電壓0~40 V,頻率1~111 Hz,脈寬0~1 000 ms。
5. Ms. Brase has called on President Bush to veto the bill.
6. Their structures are testified by ultimate and analysis, IR and MS.
7. The study based in France involved 349 children with MS and 2, 941 children without the disease.
研究總部設(shè)在法國參與兒童349 MS和2941年的兒童疾病。
8. Despite Ms McLoughlin's high profile spending sprees the pair have seen their wealth rise from E6 million to E20 million.
9. Ms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago.
10. Last year, Ms. Jiang took a month off to visit France, staying with friends. Ms.
11. Last year, Ms. Jiang took a month off to visit France, staying with friends.
12. These problems can cause the foreline pump to not remove air from the vacuum manifold.
13. I've chosen Trebuchet MS bold font face, 44 pt size, and a black color.
我選擇了 Trebuchet MS粗體,44像素的大小,黑色。
14. To tackle readability, I replaced Verdana with Trebuchet MS for my main body copy and increased overall type size.
15. XY8V8Ms-n0621 Cannot open the phone book file.
16. Chianelist: noun, a person who is of or related to the character of Ms.
17. Then Ms Lo's posthumous adulation by the Singapore press was at its most feverish, and many people in Singapore were caught up with the untimely death of this young and attractive lawyer.
18. Also we delivered snack, side dishes, organic fruit, chocolate and liquors Mayumi of Japanese puruse site had sent and doughnut.
19. It would require a massive shift in voter preferences for the SPD to surpass the CDU vote, allowing Mr Steinmeier to supplant Ms Merkel as the head of a grand coalition.
20. Ms Chen's squat toilet, then sit lavatory to the whole house of floor are drawn into a level, and chose to prevent slippery brick, prevent accident happening.
MS 詞典解釋
1. 多發(fā)性硬化(癥)(一種嚴重的神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)疾病,可導致病人逐漸喪失體力,有時會影響病人的視覺和語言表達能力)
MS is a serious disease of the nervous system, which gradually makes a person weaker, and sometimes affects their sight or speech. MS is an abbreviation for (縮略 =) 'multiple sclerosis'.
2. 同 MSc
An MS or M.S. is the same as an MSc .
MS 單語例句
1. Ms Know It All - This type of girlfriend is demanding and commanding.
2. City commercial lenders were the major obstacle to the whole banking system reform, said Ms Chen.
3. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D
3. Speculation had also been high that Ms Fiorina's fellow board members were still unhappy about her 2002 purchase of Compaq and HP's performance ever since.
4. " We congratulate Ms Julia Gillard on becoming Australian prime minister, " Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said at a regular briefing on Thursday.
5. Ms M called marriage counselor Wang Ling, who helped her understand the risks of divorce and its impact on her children.
6. Ms Li was very surprised to find bean sprout growing in a tomato when she cut it open to eat.
7. The deed of Ms Li's firm was irresponsible for jeopardizing its employees'lives.
8. MS在線翻譯
8. Ge called up several friends and returned to Ms Wang's dwelling on the evening of January 26.
9. A student is tested by school teacher Ms Li during her full Chinese immersion class at Potomac Elementary School in Maryland.
10. Although historians have questioned some of Ms Tuchman's dissertations, her enlightening approach to the study of history has widely been held in high regard.