

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶



pond 基本解釋



pond 相關例句


1. Some cattle were drinking at the pond.

2. Most farms have a pond from which cattle can drink.

pond 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 池塘:我選的是question歷史學界對19世紀英格蘭女性社會地位(role)的傳統(tǒng)共識[版本1]另外一篇是關于某個生物(那個動物叫啥實在想不起來,好像單詞也不認得)在一個池塘(pond)里的死因,什么drowned,等等,文章第二部分做了大量原因的推理,

2. (塘):我選的是question歷史學界對19世紀英格蘭女性社會地位(role)的傳統(tǒng)共識[版本1]另外一篇是關于某個生物(那個動物叫啥實在想不起來,好像單詞也不認得)在一個池塘(pond)里的死因,什么drowned,等等,文章第二部分做了大量原因的推理,

3. 水塘:2.0389 水池pool | 2.0390 水塘pond | 2.0391 噴泉fountain

4. pond:philomena of dacia; 彼得

pond 雙語例句


1. Those who in youth have not led the holy life, or have failed to acquire wealth, languish like old cranes in the pond without fish.

2. The equivalent standard pollution loadings were compared among different rigions, the results indicated that the water pollution threaten caused by agricultural non-point source pollution was more serious in the south of Jiangsu province and in Nantong than in the other rigions; The equivalentStandard pollution loading rates of different agricultural non-point source pollution in different regions were analysised by clustering analysis method, and the results indicated that Nanjing、Wuxi、Zhenjiang and Changzhou were polluted mainly by domestic living pollution; Xuzhou、Suqian、Taizhou、Yancheng、Lianyungang、Huaian and Nantong were polluted mainly by chemical fertilizer pollution; Suzhou and Yangzhou were polluted corresponsively by animals feces pollution、domestic living pollution、chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution.

3. Around the pond, there are many trees rich in leaves, lush and green.

4. Worth mentioning! Zhang turned back to the pond a small living room, removed from the room inside the normally used fishing nets.


5. He suggested that there might be men of genius in the lowest grades of life, however permanently humble and illiterate, who take their own view always, or do not pretend to see at all. who are so bottomless even as Walden pond was thought to be, though they may be dark and muddy.

6. The optimum external retting conditions were as follows: pond water abundant in pectinolytic bacteria, water temperature 30℃-35℃, ratio of flax stem to water 1:20-25 and pH 7.0-7.5, Urea added into retting water by 2% of flax stemmass. The different part, diameter and ripeness of flax had a different effect on flax retting.
果膠分解菌含量豐富的塘水有利于亞麻脫膠,浴比1:20~25、pH 7.0~7.5、溫度30~35℃有利于果膠分解菌的生長繁殖;加入適量(1.5~2.0%)的含氮物質(zhì)作為脫膠助劑,能夠改善亞麻的漚麻環(huán)境,提高果膠酶的活性,加快亞麻的漚麻速度。

7. There are many water lilies in the pond.

8. When I crossed Flint's Pond, after it was covered with snow, though I had often paddled about and skated over it, it was so unexpectedly wide and so strange that I could think of nothing but Baffin's Bay.

9. A person dug pond pisciculture, be afraid that bird eats fry stealthily, did build to wear head large bamboo hat, body to wrap around the jackstraw of straw rain cape is put in the pond.


10. And it wasn`t long before she spotted the stars ? reflected in the water of a little pond.

11. Arranges the putty machinery is in the Waterworks and the Sewage treatment plant, the coordinate sedimentation pond use, it is the important special purpose equipment.

12. Haidai lotus pond, ShiYun described by a wasteland hin, cold tendril shear machine fitting of Chinese wistaria.

13. She went across the fields toward the house as though there werer nothing to come, and after he had watched her he went to the edge of the pond in the outer field and chose a slim green reed and peeled it carefully and slit it on the edge of his scythe.

14. Toxicities of two forms of tea saponins to the harmful fish in the prawnpond were tested. Results showed that tea saponin possessed a strongtoxicity to 6 kinds of harmful fish in the prawn pond, i. e. the LC_(100)oftea saponin Ⅰ to the harmful fish was 0.5—0.7 ppm and of tea Saponin Ⅱwas about 1 ppm.


15. Communication between client and server consists of a series of connections from one lily pad on the pond to another, with the last step connecting to the server.

16. Should pull bend strong, should use with the arrow long, the fundamental law of avoid risk is follow closely the most popular subject matter, achieve nowadays cast subject matter to had been become take shelter from the wind exclusively pond, investor mights as well close attention.

17. The Yunnan nationality village, is located shore of the Kunming南端 Yunnan pond, the area 1, 380 Chinese acres, is reflected anddemonstrates the Yunnan 26 nationalities social life, the culturalcharacter and style window.

18. With an unconscious sigh he pulled off his shapeless cloth hat and sloshed along toward where the pond grass and hyacinths were thickest.

19. Hangzhou east-west traffic artery and the end of the year after the completion of the elevated pond built on property north of the city for the benefit of the region is the largest.

20. A Little Boy How I never could be tired with roaming about that huge mansion, with its vast empty rooms, with their worn-out hangings, fluttering tapestry, and carved oaken panels, with the gilding almost rubbed out---sometimes in the spacious old-fashioned gardens, which I had almost to myself, unless when now and then a solitary gardening man would cross me---and how the nectarines and peaches hung upon the walls, without my ever offering to pluck them, because they were forbidden fruit, unless now and then, ---and because I had more pleasure in strolling about among the old melancholy-looking yew-trees, or the firs, and picking up the red berries, and the fir-apples, which were good for nothing but to look at ---or in lying about upon the fresh grass, with all the fine garden smells around me---or basking in the orangery, till I could almost fancy myself ripening too along with the oranges and the limes in that grateful warmth-or in watching the dace that darted to and Fro in the fish-pond, at the bottom of the garden, with here and there a great sulky pike hanging midway down the water in silent state, as if it mocked at their impertinent friskiness, ---I had more pleasure in these busy-idle diversions than in all the sweet flavors of peaches, nectarines, oranges, and such like common baits of children.
tapestry繡帷;掛毯 nectarine油桃 gilding鍍金 pluck 采,摘,拔 fir-apples:樅樹的一種圓錐形果實 dace鰷魚 dart猛沖,飛奔 impertinent不切題的一個小男孩查爾斯?蘭姆我在那所很大很大的宅院里滿世界地跑,從來不知什么是疲倦:那里有許許多多又大又空的房間和破破爛爛的帷帳,墻上的幔子還隨風飄動,橡木雕花嵌板上的金粉卻已剝落了——我常常到那座古老的大花園里去玩,那花園簡直叫我一個人獨占了,偶爾才碰上一個孤零零的老園丁——那園子里,油桃和桃子垂在墻頭上,我根本不去碰它,因為那是禁果,除非偶然一回兩回——因為,我更高興在那些帶著憂郁神情的老水松樹或者樅樹之間跑來跑去,從地上撿那么幾顆紅漿果,幾只樅果,而那些樅果只能看,不能吃——有時候,我隨便躺在嫩草地上,讓自己完全沉浸在滿園子的芳香之中——要不然,我就在桔子園里曬太陽,曬得暖洋洋的,一邊想象自己跟那些桔子、好些菩提樹一同成熟起來——再不然,我就到花園深處,看那些鰷魚在魚池里穿梭般游來游去,不定在哪里還會發(fā)現(xiàn)一條很大的梭子魚冷冷落落地停在深水之間,一動不動,好象對于那些小魚們的輕狂樣兒暗中表示鄙夷,——我喜歡的是諸如此類無事忙的消遣,而對于象桃子呀,油桃呀,桔子呀等等這些普通的小孩子們的誘餌,碰也不去碰它。

pond 詞典解釋pond的意思

1. pond的解釋

1. 池塘;水塘
A pond is a small area of water that is smaller than a lake. Ponds are often made artificially.

e.g. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.
e.g. ...a garden pond.

2. 大西洋
People sometimes refer to the Atlantic Ocean as the pond .

e.g. Usually, the presentation is made on the other side of the pond...
e.g. Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.

pond 單語例句

1. pond的意思

1. The Xiangshan peninsula has been dubbed " China's vast fish pond " for its plentiful fish resources, and its people have a history of conservation activism.

2. There is a grand central hall with a huge pond, in which many golden carp swim slowly.

3. Children feed the carp in a pond at Yu Yuan in Shanghai.

4. That cup of hot cocoa may do more than just warm your body and spirit after you spend an evening skating on the pond.

5. Yu Hui draws landscapes of southern China - the wild weed, the dense wood and the transparent pond - like a dreamland with vivid colors.

6. In the residential part of the compound is a small garden with rockeries and a pond.

7. A disciple of Confucianism and a disciple of Lao Tze's Taoist teachings were standing at a pond observing the fish below.

8. The mother took the manager of the fishpond to court, arguing he had taken no measures to protect people from falling into the pond.

9. pond的解釋

9. One worker leapt into a pond to dodge the animal, which attacked the others in front of horrified visitors.

10. pond的近義詞

10. Hankering for a taste of Down Under but don't feel like crossing the pond?

pond 英英釋義


1. pond

1. a small lake

e.g. the pond was too small for sailing

Synonym: pool

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/danci/1261149.html
