ethereal 基本解釋
形容詞輕飄的; 天上的; [化]乙醚的
ethereal 相關(guān)例句
1. She has an ethereal beauty.
ethereal 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋
1. 虛靈:核爆過后,來自四面八方的組織抱著各自的目的進駐奧金頓,現(xiàn) 如今的狀況是:北部的魔法墓穴被虛靈(Ethereal)走私犯和盜墓賊占領(lǐng)挖掘;西部的奧金尼墓室被瘋狂的德萊尼亡靈巫師變成活死人墓;
2. 無形:因此它最多能打出5個洞, 所以就不用拿來做寂靜(Silence)了.同樣的十字軍之弓(Crusader Bow)就不存在這個問題,因為它不是AMA專用弓, 所以MSN為3/4/6, 最多可以打出6S來關(guān)于無形(Ethereal)裝備無形裝備耐久度(durability)比普通物品低45%,
3. 優(yōu)雅的,飄渺的:1. ethereal 優(yōu)雅的,飄渺的 | 2. sour 愁眉不展的 | 3. tummy 肚子
4. 輕的, 天上的, 象空氣的:trait n.顯著的特點, 特性 | ethereal 輕的, 天上的, 象空氣的 | empyreal 天空的;蒼天的
ethereal 雙語例句
1. Aura`s design gives form to an ethereal space that doesn`t collide with the beauty and harmony of Palladian interiors nor does it hide the perception of its frescoes.
2. It may be that among them a more fervid Keats, a more ethereal Shelley has already published numbers the world will willingly remember
3. Consistency: ethereal oil and honey, Aloe Vera
4. Ocean: An ethereal dreamscape done in moody and evocative shades of blue, including deep ultramarine, sky and violet.
5. Level 3 - Pugna banishes a creature to the ethereal plane. It moves 50% slower and cannot attack, and takes 40% bonus damage from spells.
二級 - Pugna對1單位施放強大的放逐魔法,在此期間,該單位不能進行普通攻擊,也不受到普通攻擊的傷害。
6. Happiness fragments as water ethereal, like sky blue.
7. As the sun set, the sky faded from vibrant blue to an ethereal purple, lavender, fuchsia, gold and orange swirl.
8. He recorded mutilated bodies pinioned under car wrecks, a suicide splattered on a New York street and the electric chair, in paintings saturated in ethereal colours - silver, blue, green.
9. Added a new recipe for Ethereal Oil to grand master alchemy trainers.
10. More ethereal and medieval, Kyrie Eleyson (2:18) features a chorus effects as vocals layered upon vocals sustain and blur.
Kyrie Eleyson (2:18)采用了循聲迭進交或支撐與模糊的和聲方法,使曲子顯得更縹緲而中世紀(jì)風(fēng)味濃厚。
11. Only Galliano could move from Edie's black leotards and flat crocodile knee boots through striped paillette minidresses, pea coats, and mod caps to culminate?without a single stumble?in russet Empire-line velvet and ethereal Directoire ivory organza.
只有加里亞諾可以從edie的黑色緊身衣和單位鱷魚膝皮靴,通過條紋paillette minidresses ,豌豆大衣,帽子和按付款當(dāng)日價格計算,以達到高潮-沒有一個單一的蹣跚-在russet帝國在線天鵝絨和醚directoire象牙organza 。
12. For others it is a spectacular sunset, where luminous colors spark each surrounding cloud into an ethereal hue.
13. These memories, entered into the Book of Stars, lend weight and fresh meaning to the ethereal heavens.
14. My love, You are like a lark, So lightsome and ethereal and seductive!
15. It has a strange electronic sound that is both edgy and ethereal at the same time.
16. Those who were picking flowers unknown posture of light, those who were sitting on a soft flood of ethereal meditation Others, those who bathed in the sunset twilight months, the pianist to listen to the river to see the warm water fish pictures, sculpture gallery in the years often looking back, that the taste of green floating in the air and to be.
17. Now it was a herd of diabolic shapes, that grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them; now a group of shining angels, who flew upward heavily, as sorrow-laden, but grew more ethereal as they rose. Now came the dead friends of his youth, and his white-bearded father, with a saint-like frown, and his mother, turning her face away as she passed by.
18. Now it was a herd of diabolic shapes, that grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them; now a group of shining angels, who flew upward heavily, as sorrow-laden, but grew more ethereal as they rose.
19. Now it was a herd of diabolic shapes, that grinned mocked at the pale minister, beckoned him away with them; now a group of shining angels, who flew upward heavily, as sorrow-laden, grew more ethereal as they rose.
這些幻象時而是8 ttt 8一群兇暴的惡魔,對著這位牧師獰笑嘲弄,呼喚他隨他們而去;時而是8 ttt 8一伙閃光的天使,象是滿載哀傷的重荷,沉重地向上飛去,但隨著越飛越高,而變得8tTt8。
20. Academy Award-nominate composer Thomas Newman, to be exact, and his eclectic, slightly ethereal style.
ethereal 詞典解釋
1. 縹緲的;飄逸的;優(yōu)雅的
Someone or something that is ethereal has a delicate beauty.
e.g. She's the prettiest, most ethereal romantic heroine in the movies.
e.g. ...gorgeous, hauntingly ethereal melodies.
2. 非實際的;非人間的;天上的
Ethereal means unrelated to practical things and the real world.
e.g. ...the ethereal nature of romantic fiction.
e.g. the ethereal realm of the divine.
ethereal 單語例句
1. A subtly lit spirits cellar at Atmosphere's entrance provides a hint of icy cool and ethereal elegance.
2. Sliding down the sand dune gives one the ethereal feeling of descending from the sky.
3. ethereal的意思
3. These ethereal beings are renowned for their beauty, grace and loveliness.
4. ethereal
4. The ethereal lotus flower is a familiar image in China, depicted widely in many traditional paintings and carvings.
5. Suzhou is known as a " heavenly city " in history because of it ethereal scenery, fertile lands and rich folk culture.
6. The dance ushered in a golden age with a world of moonlight and ethereal sprites.
7. Porcelain made a spectacular impact nearly everywhere it went, its ethereal beauty and startling strength leading some to ascribe magical powers to it.
8. But after injuring her shoulder at the beginning of 2007, she hasn't been able to sustain an ethereal level of play deep into many events.