keep...on board 雙語(yǔ)例句
1. Whether you use some Bristol board with notes tacked to it or even a dry erase board to write everything down on, it`s a great idea for you to keep things organized on something other than your computer.
keep...on board在線翻譯
2. At the upcoming 3G nodes, with confidence, we are filled with endless pride: Let Focus marketing message to keep up with the pace of enterprise development to help businesses get on board the express train of a new round of wealth; allow 3G mobile Precision Marketing has become a magic weapon for winning small and medium-sized, assist enterprises to open up new profit areas; make our products with more advanced real tools to help Chinese enterprises to achieve the precise one-to-one marketing, sales and marketing for the enterprise to take off and put up!
3. Add waveforms, mechanical information about the housing or enclosure, trace lengths, keep-out areas; designate which components need to be on top of the board; include tuning information, component value ranges, thermal information, controlled impedance lines, notes, brief circuit operating descriptions ….
4. J I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board: Keep well clear of me.
keep...on board的反義詞
5. In the meantime, they are likely to keep armies of bankers, lawyers and merger arbitrageurs busy, to say nothing of executives and board members on both sides.
keep...on board的解釋
6. J1 z2 |2 + 3 ^0 u ^0 g% J We ask you to keep luggage down to one medium-sized suitcase per person, but a small holdall can also be taken on board the coach.
keep...on board的反義詞
7. As an alternative to using multiple CJRs, some switch cards employ an on-board isothermal block to keep all the connection terminals at the same temperature. The Model 7014 Thermocouple Card and Model 2001-TCSCAN Thermocouple Scanner Card have isothermal blocks.
keep...on board
8. The goal of the platform is to encourage people to keep their tables free of meat on Mondays and ask restaurants to offer their customers meat-free dishes as one-third of all items on the menu on that day. It will also work with supermarkets to introduce vegetarian counters, and with airlines to offer vegetarian meals on board. It will hold a meat-free forum and invite the mayor of Ghent in Belgium, which is known around the world for promoting Thursday as a vegetarian day, to give a speech. At the same time, it will cooperate with the media by flasing up Meat-Free Monday reminders during TV shows.
9. Epoxy with adhesive filler mixed to a peanut butter consistency for filleting was my glue. My main reason for puting the ribs in right now is so that my mould will be steady on the table top when its time to work on the bottom half of the hull, which is soon. I temporarily brad nailed a spine board on to keep things in place while curing and will be taken off when done. I will be gluing a plate onto the bottom of the ribs and maybe some side structure as well, we'll see.
keep...on board是什么意思
10. I did about a 75 degree angle when I started. If your target is waxed then you will slide. Eventually you can work up to less of an angle. You have to Pop a lot sooner than a Shove to stall. You have to put less effort into swinging the board and more into getting it higher. You should go pretty fast, then pop down. When you see the nose coming move your front foot down and try to lock the board into place. You can slip out pretty easy so try to crouch down low. That way it hurts less. When you land bend your knees and hope to slide. If you don't stay on then try again until you can. If you stall it and get on ok then go on a less angle. Keep trying until you finally learn to slide. Then to come out I like to twist and come out switch, but you can shove, Nollie flip or any other ideas you can come up with.
11. Features may vary by handset Keep track of clues, eliminate suspects and solve the crime Choose from 10 unique scenarios with 2 alternate endings - for a total of 30 possible mysteries to solve Six possible CLUE suspects - White, Peacock, Scarlet, Mustard, Plum and Green Nine potential weapons: Pistol, Candlestick, Rope, Poison, Gloves, Trophy, Crowbar, Razor, Axe 8 searchable rooms based on the original board game Get hints throughout the game to help you solve the murder Track statistics and in-game achievements.
12. Upon this I prepar'd to go on Board the Ship, but told the Captain, that I would stay that Night to prepare my things, and desir'd him to go on Board in the mean time, and keep all right in the Ship, and send the Boat on Shore the next Day for me; ordering him in the mean time to cause the new Captain who was kill'd, to be hang'd at the Yard-Arm that these Men might see him.
13. Fine grinding of the Ming and Qing imperial concubine couch techniques embodied in the right fence, handrails and children on the couch legs, carved, intricately carved dragons engraved the most popular, Is probably derived from the Chinese dragon totem of the cult on; Royal couch to couch legs, the details of dental lamina is designed to keep improving, whether it is straight legs, bent legs and ultimately, the Mayans flowers pattern, couch and massage body of mostly flat board size compared to Europe and the United States even more gigantic Royal couch, demonstrating the style of the royal family and the imperial majesty!
14. It's crucial to titrate slowly to minimize the GI side effects and keep the patient on board with the treatment program.
15. Keeping Lion Capital on board as a 40 per cent shareholder ? at least for two years, when Bright Food can trigger full control ? is designed to keep the status quo in the UK.
keep...on board是什么意思
16. The one thing I wanna talk about is what they BMI now call, I'll keep it on this board, it's BMI, bottom mounted instrumentation.
17. I keep it on board for protection.
18. Laying back to back on that narrow piece of wood board, the two had to squeeze their backs tightly to keep balance.
keep...on board
19. The long grooves are adopted to hold and fix the transparent board (4) which is pressed on data so as to keep the data from sliding or being damaged.
20. The Bank of japan's policy board voted to keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged at0.5% on september19th.
keep...on board 單語(yǔ)例句
1. But he wondered why the individual breathing kits that everyone on board is supposed to have did not keep people from dying.