

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
harassment 基本解釋


名詞襲擾; 騷擾,擾亂; 折磨人的東西; 煩惱,憂慮

harassment 網(wǎng)絡解釋


1. 侵擾:而法庭目前僅可向侵擾(harassment)或令人感到暴力威脅,兩項罪名成立的施暴者發(fā)出禁制令. 但9月30日起,只要法庭認為被控施暴者可能威脅受害人,無論其罪名是否成立,都可向其發(fā)出限制令.

2. 折磨:hence 因此、從此 | harassment 折磨 | heroin 海洛因、嗎啡

3. 騷擾 騷擾:handgun 手槍 手槍 | harassment 騷擾 騷擾 | harbor a criminal 窩藏罪犯 窩藏罪犯

harassment 雙語例句

1. H:Everyone can recognise harassment, especially if there's an assault, indecent assault or sexual assault

2. If a man talks dirty to a woman it's sexual harassment If a woman talks dirty to a man it's nine dollars a minute.


3. You have the right to work in an environment free from ***ual harassment.

4. You are encouraged to report conduct that may constitute harassment to your immediate supervisor and/or a human resources representative without delay.


5. And these countries, because of the privacy of citizens from the excavation, the starting point, Low scum are some people made bad hair bad thing is, they are intended as attacks on citizens, harassment, intimidation, against them.

6. Gao Zhisheng has defended dissidents and protesters, and recently helped organize a rolling hunger strike to protest against police harassment of political activists.

7. Under the China unique temperate climate primarily environmental condition, the construction which this many kinds of material compound construction becomes, may stand erect for several dozens years or on hundred years, easy to live comfortably besides the construction, is advantageous for extremely the daily maintenance and the repair, therefore this kind of building pattern became China the ancient architecture mainstream is gradually a post and panel structure north, because afterwards came from the other families unceasing harassment, needed the building reliable defense facility, only then appeared the unparalleled in the world brick masony structure the miracle - Great Wall.

8. All colors function all is same, may 祛除 the external intentionally攀附 energy, be possible to guard against others'sickness to bemad, 霉氣 or premeditated says something to smooth things over, entices and the sexual harassment..

9. If your company has a grievance procedure for sexual harassment claims, you should use it.

10. To be swayed by one`s emotion is as a hand reaching out. It is possible to be broken when arm reaches out of bus window. Arm reaches too straight to be flexible and to exert its strength. When it reaches into an unknown space, it is possible to be burnt, to be scratched or to be cut. When it reaches to the place that it should not, it is possible to be sued for sex harassment. When it reaches out to take something not belonging to him, it is possible to be sued for thief or robber.


11. Women continued to report that discrimination, sexual harassment, unfair dismissal, demotion, and wage discrepancies were significant problems.

12. The ability of avoiding sexual harassment and abuse wasenhanced. The follow-up test showed that the effects of sex education lasted.


13. Unintergrated people keep interest of his own or his group in mind, indulge in exaggerations, give first rank to his won rights, does not commit to democratic principles or work for people`s legal rights sincerely, thus in democratic society, the existence of unintergrated ideology in either officials or citizens is dangerous, will cause social harassment, especially influence parties or groups.

14. Basing on the character of sexual harassment cases, this article points out three ways to enact civil procedure regulations: evidence, trial and remedy.(1) Rules of evidence applied reasonable, burden of proof specially allocated, and validity of methods of collecting evidence realized properly exceptive; (2) privacy of participants in civil procedure strictly protected during trial; (3) punitive com...

15. Ba-sing on the character of sexual harassment cases, this article points out three ways to enact civil procedure regulations:evidence, trial and remedy.(1)Rules of evidence applied reasonable, burden of proof specially allocated, and validityof methods of collecting evidence realized properly exceptive; (2) privacy of participants in civil procedure strictly pro-tected during trial; (3) punitive compensation and employer'a liability established to protect the victims. Court can alsoapply judicial advise to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.


16. Life, many women, especially young women will be dysmenorrhea harassment.

17. In this movie, Chinese female`s attitude towards sex and the state of the sex education, sexual harassment in the office, incest happening between fathers and daughters, ultra-marriage love affairs, especially the harm done to the female who is pregnant before marriage are directly revealed.


18. In ancient times, the deceased family members in order to prevent harassment of the deceased rest in peace Xiaoxiao, will ask the magical powers of the highly Fangshi imposed at the tomb and India, people can not enter the tomb, which printed at the naked eye can not see, but by the impact of the surrounding environments, to Access to these seals were the enemy and must be found at Indian, and will be able to break out of their graves.

19. Internet Harassment Roils South Korea, Where It Is Widespread and Described As'Cyberviolence

20. If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrtst, torture, or death... you are fortunation, more than there billion people in the world can't.

harassment 詞典解釋

1. 騷擾;煩擾
Harassment is behaviour which is intended to trouble or annoy someone, for example repeated attacks on them or attempts to cause them problems.

e.g. Another survey found that 51 per cent of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment in their working lives.
e.g. ...racial harassment...

harassment 單語例句

1. With the rising number of sexual harassment suits, many people are calling for further legislation to clarify the law.

2. The Chengdu Commercial Press first published two stories on the alleged sexual harassment case.

3. harassment的近義詞

3. I'm taking the risk of being charged as a suspect in a " sexual harassment " case and I can see the troubles there.

4. harassment的近義詞

4. On Sunday, the department also said a census officer had reported a possible sexual harassment.

5. Li warned that it would be too difficult to obtain evidence of harassment without clear guidelines.

6. But rather than being embraced as equal citizens, immigrants and children often complain of police harassment and job discrimination.

7. Although the complainant refused to continue working for Lee and Wong, the continued harassment by the two youths led to the woman's complaint to police.

8. Some commentators said the constant media glare may have become too much for Kate, who filed a harassment complaint with Britain's press watchdog last month.

9. harassment的解釋

9. Many Congolese nationals who are chased away from Angola have complained of continued cases of both administrative and police harassment.

10. Ellis said journalists don't enjoy a First Amendment privilege to avoid testimony except in instances involving protection of confidential sources or harassment.

harassment 英英釋義


1. the act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism

Synonym: molestation

2. harassment的翻譯

2. a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented

e.g. so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors

Synonym: torment

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/danci/1165027.html
