

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶






back 基本解釋

名詞背,背部; 背面,反面; 后面,后部; (椅子等的)靠背

及物動詞使后退; 支持; 加背書于; 下賭注于

不及物動詞后退; 倒退

形容詞后面的; 背部的; 以前的; 拖欠的

副詞以前; 向后地

back 相關詞組

1. back to back : 背靠背;

2. turn ones back on : 背棄, 拋棄;

3. back down : 放棄要求, 取消前言;

4. back and forth : 來回地;

5. back up : 支持;

6. see the back of : 看(某人)離開, 趕走[擺脫](某人);

7. be on ones back : 仰臥, 生病臥床;

8. back of : 在...后邊;

9. with ones back to the wall : 困獸猶斗地;

back 相關例句


1. The house is set back from the road.


1. You could back the dress with silk.

1. Someone was pacing back and forth behind the curtain.


1. We lay on our backs under the tree.

back 情景對話


A:(Hurry/ Quick/ Hurry up)! The movie is coming back on.

B:I’m coming.


A:Where have you been?

B:I just got back from (camp/ school/ class).


B:When is this book due back?

A:It’s due back (next Tuesday/ a week from Friday/ in three days).

back 網(wǎng)絡解釋


1. 背:記法:后背(back)缺少了脊梁骨大頭釘(tack)來代. wack n.怪人 W的形狀像翅膀. 記法:后背(back)長翅膀(W)的人不是圣人就是怪人(wack). 故事串聯(lián):墨水當水喝,我想(think)是胡說,喝完墨水去滑冰(ice),一不注意(notice)落水中,

2. 后 方:以下是它的特性:5.第一步移動離身體遠些同時加些壓力入地板,保留一些重心在支撐腳,在第一步即將結束時腳尖稍轉向外,這一步可移動向前(Forward)、斜前(Diagonal Forward)、旁邊(Sideways)、斜后(Diagonally Back)和后方(Back).

back 雙語例句

1. He's transfixed. Tom Hanks holds back his blinks to communicate the idea that his character is THAT intense about what he's realizing.
Tom Hanks憋著不眨眼來傳遞信息,他的角色是如此的激動于他所意識到的事情。

2. I don't think many of my birds are visitors, because they come back every day no matter what the weather, so they must be mostly resident birds.

3. Because the servant girl went back to her farm.

4. When I was a little kid, my parents would always play Amy Grant's songs at Christmas, so her songs still bring back all my childhood Christmas memories.
當我還是孩子的時候,我的父母就經(jīng)常在圣誕節(jié)演奏Amy Grant的歌,所以她的歌還能把我?guī)Щ赝觋P于圣誕的回憶。

5. I see. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.

6. We'll look into it and get back to you right away.


7. I will look more into this development and get back to you on this latest algorithm change.

8. We wll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.

9. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.

10. We hope you'll come back and stay with us again in the future.

11. Her costumes were glittery and colourful and her back up dancers were great too!

12. But here we use the call back function of second drive class with the first window, so we can't executer the message handler of first window.

13. As we began the 9am session, the supervising teachers said that new students were allowed to go back to our rooms to continue the meditation practice. I was so happy.

14. If I break off this unfulfilling relationship, it could take years to get back on my feet again.

15. But pollution, the loss of land and the destruction of ecosystems will hold back the country's future growth, write Jiang Gaoming and Gao Jixi.

16. At times I simply feel she's just on a long trip—and am jolted to realize it's one she's not coming back from.

17. He paid me back what he owed in dribs and drabs.

18. After I go back to Japan, I would like to find a job concerning with Chinese.

19. On his way back, somebody followed him stealthily and saw Xiuxiu. This was none other than Sergeant Guo who worked for the governor.

20. I'm gonna call you back.

back 詞典解釋


In addition to the uses shown below, back is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘date back’ and ‘fall back on’.
除下列用法外,back還可用于date back, fall back on 等短語動詞中。

1. 向后;往后;往回
If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before.

e.g. The photographers drew back to let us view the body...
e.g. She stepped back from the door expectantly...

2. 回到原處
If you go back somewhere, you return to where you were before.

e.g. I went back to bed...
e.g. I'm due back in London by late afternoon...

3. 恢復原狀;回到原來的狀態(tài)
If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that state before and are now in it again.

e.g. The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal...
e.g. Denise hopes to be back at work by the time her daughter is one...

4. 歸還;交還;放回;收回
If you give or put something back, you return it to the person who had it or to the place where it was before you took it. If you get or take something back, you then have it again after not having it for a while.

e.g. She handed the knife back...
e.g. Put it back in the freezer...

5. (將鐘表)撥回
If you put a clock or watch back, you change the time shown on it so that it shows an earlier time, for example when the time changes to winter time or standard time.

6. 回應(來信、電話、目光等)
If you write or call back, you write to or telephone someone after they have written to or telephoned you. If you look back at someone, you look at them after they have started looking at you.

e.g. They wrote back to me and they told me that I didn't have to do it...
e.g. If the phone rings say you'll call back after dinner...


7. 回到(某個話題)
You can say that you go or come back to a particular point in a conversation to show that you are mentioning or discussing it again.

e.g. Can I come back to the question of policing once again?...
e.g. To come back to what I said in the Introduction, in the nineteenth century Spain was fully a part of Europe...

8. 再次流行;再度成為潮流
If something is or comes back, it is fashionable again after it has been unfashionable for some time.

e.g. Short skirts are back...
e.g. Consensus politics could easily come back into fashion.

9. 在一段距離之外
If someone or something is kept or situated back from a place, they are at a distance away from it.

e.g. Keep back from the edge of the platform...
e.g. I'm a few miles back from the border...

10. 收攏;攏起;束起
If something is held or tied back, it is held or tied so that it does not hang loosely over something.

e.g. Her hair was tied back...
e.g. The curtains were held back by tassels.

11. (舒適地)向后仰
If you lie or sit back, you move your body backwards into a relaxed sloping or flat position, with your head and body resting on something.

e.g. She lay back and stared at the ceiling...
e.g. She leaned back in her chair and smiled.

12. 回頭,轉身(看或喊)
If you look or shout back at someone or something, you turn to look or shout at them when they are behind you.

e.g. Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning...
e.g. He called back to her.

13. (表示描述場所的轉換)在曾提到過的地方
You use back in expressions like back in London or back at the house when you are giving an account, to show that you are going to start talking about what happened or was happening in the place you mention.

e.g. Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing...
e.g. Later, back at home, the telephone rang.

14. 以前;過去;追溯至
If you talk about something that happened back in the past or several years back, you are emphasizing that it happened quite a long time ago.

e.g. The story starts back in 1950, when I was five...
e.g. I was in St. Lucia back in January of this year...

15. back在線翻譯

15. 回想;回憶
If you think back to something that happened in the past, you remember it or try to remember it.

e.g. I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill...
e.g. My mind flew back to stories I had heard about Vinnie.

16. back的解釋

16. 來回;往返
If someone moves back and forth, they repeatedly move in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

e.g. He paced back and forth...
e.g. Two boys were in the street, tossing a baseball back and forth.

17. to cast your mind back -> see mind


1. 背(部);后背;脊背
A person's or animal's back is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their chest and stomach.

e.g. Her son was lying peacefully on his back...
e.g. She turned her back to the audience...

2. 后面;后部
The back of something is the side or part of it that is towards the rear or farthest from the front. The back of something is normally not used or seen as much as the front.

e.g. ...a room at the back of the shop...
e.g. She raised her hands to the back of her neck...

3. 后面的;后部的
Back is used to refer to the side or part of something that is towards the rear or farthest from the front.

e.g. He opened the back door...
e.g. Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car.

4. (椅子或沙發(fā)的)靠背
The back of a chair or sofa is the part that you lean against when you sit on it.

e.g. There was a neatly folded pink sweater on the back of the chair.

5. (紙、信封等的)反面,背面
The back of something such as a piece of paper or an envelope is the side which is less important.

e.g. Send your answers on the back of a postcard.

6. (書等的)末尾
The back of a book is the part nearest the end, where you can find the index or the notes, for example.

e.g. ...the index at the back of the book...
e.g. You've given a whole list of names and addresses at the back.

7. (用于round the back, out the back等表達方式中)房屋(或其他建筑物)后的區(qū)域
You can use back in expressions such as round the back and out the back to refer generally to the area behind a house or other building.

e.g. He had chickens and things round the back...
e.g. The privy's out the back.

8. (用于out back等表達方式中)房屋(或其他建筑物)后的區(qū)域;(用于in back等表達方式中)汽車(或建筑物等)的后部
You use back in expressions such as out back to refer to the area behind a house or other building. You also use in back to refer to the rear part of something, especially a car or building.

e.g. Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes...
e.g. Catlett got behind the wheel and I sat in back...

9. (足球、曲棍球等運動中的)后衛(wèi)
In team games such as football and hockey, a back is a player who is concerned mainly with preventing the other team from scoring goals, rather than scoring goals for their own team.

10. (美式橄欖球運動中的)進攻后衛(wèi)
In American football, a back is a player who stands behind the front line, runs with the ball and attacks rather than defends.

11. 背著(某人)
If you say that something was done behind someone's back, you disapprove of it because it was done without them knowing about it, in an unfair or dishonest way.

e.g. You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.


12. 完成…最困難的部分
If you break the back of a task or problem, you do the most difficult part of what is necessary to complete the task or solve the problem.

e.g. It seems at least that we've broken the back of inflation in this country...
e.g. We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine.

13. 接連地;連續(xù)地
If two or more things are done back to back, one follows immediately after the other without any interruption.

e.g. ...two half-hour shows, which will be screened back to back.

14. (衣服)前后穿反;(順序)前后顛倒
If you are wearing something back to front, you are wearing it with the back of it at the front of your body. If you do something back to front, you do it the wrong way around, starting with the part that should come last.

e.g. He wears his baseball cap back to front...
e.g. The picture was printed back to front.

in AM, use 美國英語用 backward

15. 不再(對某人)批評(或施壓等)
If you tell someone to get off your back you are telling them angrily to stop criticizing you or putting pressure on you.

e.g. He kept on at me to such an extent that occasionally I wished he would get off my back.

16. back的意思

16. 緊跟著;緊接著
If you say that one thing happens on the back of another thing, you mean that it happens after that other thing and in addition to it.

e.g. The cuts, if approved, come on the back of a difficult eight years that have seen three London fire stations closed.

17. (使)受到威脅;(使)處于不利地位
If someone is on the back foot, or if something puts them on the back foot, they feel threatened and act defensively.

e.g. From now on Labour will be on the back foot on the subject of welfare.
e.g. ...another scheme designed purely to put the Scots Nationalists on the back foot.

18. 互相幫助;與人方便,與己方便
People say 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' to mean that one person helps another on condition that the second person helps them in return.

19. 希望(某人)離開
If you say that you will be glad to see the back of someone, you mean that you want them to leave.

e.g. I was so badly behaved I was convinced she would be glad to see the back of me.

20. 忽略;背棄;拒絕;對…不予理睬
If you turn your back on someone or something, you ignore them, leave them, or reject them.

e.g. Stacey Lattisaw has turned her back on her singing career with Motown Records to become a gospel singer...
e.g. Gunnell is not the sort to turn her back on someone who has coached her for 12 years.

21. 使生氣;觸怒;惹惱
If someone or something puts your back up or gets your back up, they annoy you.

e.g. Some food labelling practices really get my back up.

22. off the back of a lorry -> see lorry
to take a back seat -> see seat
to have your back to the wall -> see wall


1. 背對;背向;背朝
If a building backs onto something, the back of it faces in the direction of that thing or touches the edge of that thing.

e.g. We live in a ground floor flat which backs onto a busy street...
e.g. His garden backs onto a school.

2. 倒(車);倒退
When you back a car or other vehicle somewhere or when it backs somewhere, it moves backwards.

e.g. He backed his car out of the drive...
e.g. The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line...

3. 支持;資助
If you back a person or a course of action, you support them, for example by voting for them or giving them money.

e.g. There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity.
e.g. ...if France cannot persuade all five permanent members of the Security Council to back the plan...

...government-backed loans to Egypt.

4. 預測…獲勝;(通常指)下賭注于
If you back a particular person, team, or horse in a competition, you predict that they will win, and usually you bet money that they will win.

e.g. Roland Nilsson last night backed Sheffield Wednesday to win the UEFA Cup...
e.g. The horse's owner Mr Hitchins backed him at 200-1 to finish in the first three...

5. 為…伴奏(或伴唱)
If a singer is backed by a band or by other singers, they provide the musical background for the singer.

e.g. She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas.

6. see also: backing

相關詞組:back away back down back off back out back up

back 單語例句

1. Though not yet back to their normal level, business is definitely getting better.

2. " I remember what a man in the business told me back then, " she recalls.

3. Obama has promised voters to rebuild US manufacturing industries and create more jobs and is trying to bring overseas business operations back to the US.

4. I was wearing an old business suit of my father's and I sat in the back row.

5. The area bounced back quickly and had returned to its normal bustle on a rainy Monday morning.

6. He broke back but then surrendered his serve again in the fifth game.

7. Something the Italian said obviously hit a raw nerve as Zidane stopped, walked back towards him and landed a fierce butt on his chest.

8. back的意思

8. And while drinkers pack the neighbouring Kai Bar to the rafters, there is always a seat in Butterfly to knock back equally cheap alcohol.

9. Crooks said the defendant was hospitalized for a month after breaking his back and several ribs and severely lacerating his buttocks.

10. And she refused to release it even after Xie stopped struggling and leaned back against a wall to hide his bare buttocks.

back 英英釋義


1. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage

2. a support that you can lean against while sitting

e.g. the back of the dental chair was adjustable

Synonym: backrest

3. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body

e.g. they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back

4. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book

e.g. the book had a leather binding

Synonym: binding book binding cover


5. the side that goes last or is not normally seen

e.g. he wrote the date on the back of the photograph

Synonym: rear

6. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine

e.g. his back was nicely tanned

Synonym: dorsum

7. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord

e.g. the fall broke his back

Synonym: spinal column vertebral column spine backbone rachis

8. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer

e.g. he stood at the back of the stage
it was hidden in the rear of the store

Synonym: rear

9. (football) a person who plays in the backfield



1. strengthen by providing with a back or backing

2. establish as valid or genuine

e.g. Can you back up your claims?

Synonym: back up

3. shift to a counterclockwise direction

e.g. the wind backed

4. back

4. place a bet on

e.g. Which horse are you backing?
I'm betting on the new horse

Synonym: bet on gage stake game punt

5. travel backward

e.g. back into the driveway
The car backed up and hit the tree

6. cause to travel backward

e.g. back the car into the parking spot

7. support financial backing for

e.g. back this enterprise

8. back的翻譯

8. be behind
approve of

e.g. He plumped for the Labor Party
I backed Kennedy in 1960

Synonym: endorse indorse plump for plunk for support

9. back的翻譯

9. give support or one's approval to

e.g. I'll second that motion
I can't back this plan
endorse a new project

Synonym: second endorse indorse

10. back的反義詞

10. be in back of

e.g. My garage backs their yard


1. in or to or toward a past time

e.g. set the clocks back an hour
never look back
lovers of the past looking fondly backward

Synonym: backward

2. at or to or toward the back or rear

e.g. he moved back
tripped when he stepped backward
she looked rearward out the window of the car

Synonym: backward backwards rearward rearwards

3. back在線翻譯

3. in repayment or retaliation

e.g. we paid back everything we had borrowed
he hit me and I hit him back
I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher

4. in or to or toward a former location

e.g. she went back to her parents' house

5. in or to or toward an original condition

e.g. he went back to sleep

6. in reply

e.g. he wrote back three days later

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://m.yy-art.cn/danci/1131094.html
