manuscript 基本解釋
名詞手稿; 原稿; 底稿; 手寫本
manuscript 同義詞
名詞document work writing copy composition paper
manuscript 反義詞
manuscript 相關例句
1. Some ancient manuscripts were discovered in the temple.
2. When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny.
manuscript 網絡解釋
1. 手稿:列出貴計畫於本年度中所有計畫產出於下表,包含已發(fā)表或已被接受發(fā)表之文獻、已取得或被接受之專利、擬投稿之手稿(manuscript)以及專著等. 「計畫產出名稱」欄位請依「臺灣醫(yī)志」參考文獻方式撰寫;「產出形式」欄位則填寫該產出為期刊、專利、手稿或專著等,
2. 抄本:這一系列課程的內容已不再概論性地講解每個時代的音樂文化特征、作曲家的藝術創(chuàng)造及具體作品的音樂特色,而是按每個音樂時代的發(fā)展脈絡,研讀對音樂史上的觀念、現象、事件、作曲家、作品、體裁、形式、技法、風格、手稿(autograph)、抄本(manuscript)、現代評注文本(c
3. 原稿,腳本:man of mark 名人,要人 | manuscript 原稿,腳本 | marriage lines 結婚證書
manuscript 雙語例句
1. It is the manuscript of our contract, adjust it by yourself if you find any unseemliness.
2. The first evidence of decimals in Europe is in a Spanish manuscript of 976 AD.
3. In a manuscript of antiquity of the Armenish people.
注:antiquity 一般代指公元前5000年到公元476年之間)。
4. Please note, each figure should have a separate legend; these should be grouped on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
5. After Hemingway shot himself, Valerie returned to Cuba with his widow, Mary, to sort through thousandsof manuscript pages and smuggle out priceless works of art.
在古巴Valerie 過上了幽閑、恬靜的生活,她日日夜夜趕著打出《生命之旅》的最后成稿,甚至當卡斯特羅的革命枕戈待發(fā)時,她都沒動搖過。
6. Can people in bed, you can find several copies of the manuscript is not completed.
7. From this tin receptacle Jo produced another manuscript, and putting both in her pocket, crept quietly downstairs, leaving her friends to nibble on her pens and taste her ink.
8. Yes, I'm calling about the Harry Potter manuscript.
9. And to this angel everything must be referred that Scripture recounts of God irisani, extracts from his manuscript quoted by Harkavy in Rabbinowicz's Hebrew translation of Grtz's Gesch.
10. I have crossed out many unnecessary words in my manuscript.
11. Zeng Wei Seal Manuscript. was published, and the copy was collected by Beijing Library.
12. The announcement manuscript published by the Company shall be written with fact-based descriptive language to ensure the content brief and to the point, easy to read and well highlighted rather than any words and expressions natured of propaganda, advertisement, flattering or calumniating.
13. It was a manuscript containing 53 stories, some written out in detail, others sketched in brief outline form. In December 1810 they submitted this collection to Clemens Brentano and Achim von Arnim for inclusion in a planned third volume to their successful collection of folk poetry entitled Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Boy's Magic Horn, 3 volumes, 1806, 1808, 1808), which was to be dedicated to folktales.
這是一份包含了53個故事的手抄稿,有些故事描寫細致,有些只是有個故事大綱。1810年12月格林兄弟把它寄給了lemens Brentano 和 Achim von Arnim,希望把它包含在這兩位作者計劃出版的《Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Boy's Magic Horn,3 volumes,1806,1808,1808)》第三卷中。
14. Course of the life experience of Qu Qiu Bai and local records quick, spirit very not identical, because also have distinguishing feature each, the writing of the manuscript in their mentation in jail, jail is moved.
15. This manuscript shows human factors to be critical design parameters in the design and construction of visitable utility tunnels.
16. In 1973 at the age of 23, Wilber completed the manuscript for his first book, The Spectrum of Consciousness, in which he sought to integrate knowledge from disparate fields.
1973年,Wilber在23歲的時候完成了他第一本書的手稿,The Spectrum of Consciousness,他試圖在這本書中整和全然不同的領域的知識。
17. No. 3, with its glimpses of mazurka, followed by a solemn chorale section that suddenly curtails the piece without the expected return to the opening material ---- evidently a late inspiration, since an early manuSCRIPT fragment of the piece assumes the conventional da capo return.(the other side of the same manuSCRIPT contains the study op. 10 no. 9, suggesting that this nocturne was at least partly composed well before the date of 1833 usually ascribed to it.) chopin is said to have associated the piece with hamlet ---- one of many literary images prompted by his music.
最為典型的例子是op.15no.3,在它中間有著瑪祖卡舞曲的驚鴻一瞥,之后是肅穆的贊美詩部分,這一部分突然縮減了這一篇章,而不是象預期的那樣回到開始之處,而早期的手稿中這里是采用了傳統(tǒng)的da capo返回(這篇手稿的另一面還寫有op.10no.9,這表明這部夜曲至少有一部分是在1833年以前創(chuàng)作的)據說肖邦把這個樂章和哈姆雷特——在他的音樂中提及的眾多文學映像之一——聯系在了一起。
18. Dunhuang manuscript Zi Bao was discovered in the Cang Jing hole of Dunhuang Mogao hole at the beginning of twenty century.
19. The fundamental principles of color reproduction is to restore the original manuscript of gray.
20. This work is time-consuming, I admit, but if you do it, you'll be better prepared to write and you'll increase your chances of having your manuscript accepted by a journal.
manuscript 詞典解釋manuscript的解釋
1. 手稿;原稿
A manuscript is a handwritten or typed document, especially a writer's first version of a book before it is published.
e.g. He had seen a manuscript of the book...
e.g. ...discovering an original manuscript of the song in Paris...
2. (未發(fā)明印刷術之前的)手抄本,手寫本
A manuscript is an old document that was written by hand before printing was invented.
e.g. ...early printed books and rare manuscripts.
manuscript 單語例句
1. manuscript的近義詞
1. The manuscript had been kept in a cupboard for 50 years and was only shown to the valuer as he was leaving.
2. Her manuscript lay untouched for 50 years before being discovered by archivists from France's Holocaust Museum.
3. The handwritten manuscript titled " Quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas " was dated December 1924.
4. Noa is currently restrained from peddling his purportedly racy manuscript by a preliminary injunction that was issued June 30.
5. The typed manuscript - complete with Bergman's notes, changed lines and sketches of stage instructions - was then bound.
6. A radio host travels to a small Wisconsin town to learn the truth behind a manuscript about an abused teenager.
7. manuscript在線翻譯
7. She sent out her manuscript to over five agents after she completed her first novel in the mid 90's.
8. Saar didn't provide the manuscript or approach AP, but confirmed the authenticity of nine draft pages AP obtained.
9. manuscript是什么意思
9. A girl working for the BBC at the time retrieved the manuscript from beneath Lennon's music stand.
10. manuscript是什么意思
10. The most precious item displayed at the museum is a manuscript of Pierre De Coubertin, father of the modern Olympics.
manuscript 英英釋義
1. the form of a literary work submitted for publication
Synonym: ms
2. handwritten book or document
Synonym: holograph