中國那時候已經(jīng)有了自己的工程師(改為反問句) 中文英文版對照:
1. 難道中國那時候沒有自己的工程師嗎?
1:do not have their own engineers at that time?
2. 中國難道那時候沒有自己的工程師嗎?
2 China is not that time to have their own engineers?
3. 中國那時候難道沒有自己的工程師嗎?
3 China at that time do not have their own engineers?
4. 中國那時候怎么可能沒有自己的工程師呢?
4. How could China not have its own engineers at that time?
5. 中國那時候已經(jīng)有了自己的工程師,難道不是嗎?
5 China has its own engineers at that time, isn't it?